Pop-up Nano and Materials Science station
08 February 2025 - 09 February 2025
Region(s): canterbury
Type(s): presentations
What if a boat could have sails made of solar panels? What if your car could be powered by hydrogen? Just how small is a nanoparticle, and why does it matter?

Nanoparticle size comparison
It is hard to grasp just how small a nanoparticle is. So imagine if a nanoparticle was the size of a football – this image shows how atoms, cells and organisms would compare at a more familiar scale.
Come along to explore these questions (and more) with these free hands-on demonstrations of the amazing applications of nanotechnology and materials science that are being developed right now!
Where: Ground Floor, Tūranga (Central Library), Christchurch
For more information: https://confer.eventsair.com/amn11/outreach
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