Goitre, which is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, is usually caused by lack of iodine in the diet.
Muriel Bell became a public figure, during and after the Second World War, by trying to improve the health of New Zealanders through good nutrition.
In 2009 the New Zealand government approved a plan to fortify our bread with iodine with the use of iodised salt in the ingredients (except for...
The human eye contains structures that allow it to perceive light, movement and colour differences.
Both science and mātauranga pūtaiao build knowledge and understanding about our world. Often, we start with curiosity about something we’ve noticed and we want to find...
He tohunga ō tātou tūpuna mō te āta mātaitanga. He mea whakamōhio i a rātou ngā raraunga mai i ngā mātaitanga i te manaakitanga o te...
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