New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE) logo.
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE) team will...
The periodic table of elements can seem abstract to students. This activity helps to bring this important science idea to...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and educators from the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE)...
Join the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE) and the Science Learning Hub in this recorded session as...
As New Zealanders looking to the future, we are faced with many opportunities – and challenges. These include improving the...
Developing teacher pedagogical content knowledge is an important goal of teacher education. This study drew on content representation (CoRe) design...
School science is engaging when it makes connections to students’ everyday lives (Osborne & Collins, 2001) and when they have...
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