
Te patu whiro i te repo

three examples of controlling pest willow trees in a wetland.

Mai i te mauī ki te matau: He whiro ora e karapotia ana e te rākau māori me te wai; he whiro kua wiria he kōhao ki te kahiwi, koia te wāhi i kuhuna atu ai te paitini patu otaota (i runga i te tikanga ‘Wiri me te Wero’); he whiro kua hemo i te kotahi marama i muri i te werohanga ki te paitini patu otaota.

Rights: Manatārua: Yvonne Taura. Nō roto mai i Te Reo o Te Repo – The Voice of the Wetland.
Published:30 July 2020Size: 845.57 KB