
Environmental risk manager

Cartoon drawing of a man with curly black hair

Dan is your environmental risk manager role model. When he isn’t wearing green wigs (you’ll get this later), Dan (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato-Tainui) is an Earth systems scientist at the University of Auckland. He works with communities to help realise their dreams and solve their challenges. Some recent and current projects include trying to listen to rivers, understanding how taniwha can help keep us safe and looking at how what we do on land impacts our oceans. When not doing research or teaching Dan might be cycling with his whānau, surfing, paddle boarding, hiking or fishing.


Introducing the game

Mission 1 – Drilling for geothermal energy

Mission 2 – Energy from magma

Text courtesy of Magma Drillers Save Planet Earth

Image drawn by Elizabeth Mordensky

Rights: Ben Kennedy
Published:23 February 2024Size: 142.48 KB