Dandelion seeds float away in the wind. To make sure at least some of the seeds land in a suitable growing place, the plant has to produce lots of seeds.
In this activity, students use stick puppets to explain the various methods plants use to disperse their seeds.
Plants make seeds that can grow into new plants, but if the seeds just fall to the ground under the...
A plant reproduction resource for NZ Curriculum levels 1 and 2. Explore some of the science ideas behind plant life...
Plant reproduction is a topic that lends itself to many areas within the junior and middle school curriculum. This teacher...
Plants are living:
In this activity, students learn how to grow plants from spores, bulbils, rhizomes, stolons, tubers or cuttings.
Humans have many reasons to grow plants. We use them for food, for building materials, for pleasure and for many...
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