Exploring cancer screening and diagnosis webquest
In this activity, students use text, diagrams, images and video clips to answer questions about cancer screening and diagnosis.
Screening for breast cancer
Dr Eli Van Houten talks about the DIET technique and mammography in screening for breast cancer.
Eli and his team are using digital cameras to image the elasticity (or stiffness) of breasts. Cancerous tissue can be ten or up to 100 times stiffer (or less elastic) than normal tissue. Traditional mammograms measure the (radio) density of breast tissue. The density of cancerous and healthy tissue doesn’t always vary much. Another advantage of the DIET technique is that it will make breast examination a much more comfortable procedure.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
gather, evaluate and synthesise information across a range of texts and media
use content-specific vocabulary to understand texts
discuss ways in which cancer cells differ from normal cells
discuss different methods of screening and diagnosing some types of cancer
consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods used to screen for breast cancer.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
extension idea
student handout.
Related content
Find out more about what cancer is and improving breast cancer detection. Read about the various imaging methods used to help with cancer diagnosis and treatment.
In these activities students can explore the characteristics of normal and cancerous cells and cancer definitions.
Useful links
Te Aho o Te Kahu Cancer Control Agency is a government agency created in recognition of the impact cancer has on the lives of New Zealanders.
See the statistical publications and data sets on cancer on the Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora website.
Find out more about cancer with the New Zealand Cancer Society.
Below are some organisations involved in cancer research in New Zealand:
Find out about Breast Screen Aotearoa – New Zealand’s free national breast screening programme for women aged between 45 and 69.
Read what the Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand has to say on mammograms and breast cancer screening.