
What is biotechnology?

‘Biotechnology’ generally refers to the use of a living organism or part of a living organism or process for a specific purpose. This broad definition includes both modern and ancient biotechnologies.

Human Embryonic Stem Cells.

Embryonic stem cells

Embryonic stem cells are obtained from early embryos and have the potential to form all cell types.

Biotechnology in the school curriculum

Biotechnology is part of Technology in the New Zealand Curriculum (2007). However, no definition of biotechnology is provided.

In the earlier New Zealand Technology Curriculum (1995), biotechnology was defined as: “The use of living systems, organisms, or parts of organisms to manipulate natural processes in order to develop products, systems, or environments to benefit people.”

This definition of biotechnology is relatively broad and covers both ancient and modern biotechnologies. This definition includes:

  • products – for example, food, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals

  • systems – for example, compost, waste management, water purification

  • environments – for example, hydroponics,

  • genetic or engineering – for example, therapies, pre-implantation organisms (GMOs).

Other definitions of biotechnology are more limited. They may only cover techniques like manipulation and . This article gives some definitions.

Ancient biotechnology

Humans have used organisms to make products for more than 10,000 years. The earliest examples of biotechnology are the domestication of animals and growing of crops for food. These biotechnologies prompted a fundamental change in society – from hunting and gathering to farming and raising livestock.

Painting from a tomb of an Egyptian official of wine making

Wine-making in ancient Egypt

A painting of decoration within the tomb of the Egyptian official Nakht depict wine making. The images are dated between 1401 to 1391 BC.


About 4,000–8,000 years ago, humans began using microorganisms to make products like beer, wine, yoghurt, cheese and bread. They were also beginning to use organisms or organisms’ products in medicine. Find out more in our article:

Early manipulation of genes

occurred once plants and animals had been domesticated. Selective breeding enhances traits in plants or animals. It is still used today to produce organisms with desirable traits. Selective breeding involves mating parents with certain traits to produce specific traits, or combinations of traits, in their offspring.

The early pioneers of selective breeding didn’t know that traits were inherited through genes. However, what they were doing was essentially manipulating the of organisms for the benefit of humans.

Modern biotechnology

Over the last few hundred years, the range of biotechnologies has risen rapidly. This is associated with our increased understanding of organisms, cells and their products.

DNA samples Eppendorf tubes being placed in a microcentrifuge.

DNA samples in a centrifuge

DNA samples in Eppendorf tubes are placed into a microcentrifuge for centrifugation.

Rights: Image licensed through

Most recently, the key to developing new biotechnologies has been the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953. Since that time, much has been learnt about DNA. In the 1970s and 80s, many techniques were developed for working with DNA that contributed to our ability to sequence genomes from many organisms. This included the sequence for the human , which was published in 2003 after more than a decade of work.

Our ability to identify, copy and manipulate genes directly has led to:

  • and mapping

  • .

Find out more about

The impacts of biotechnology on society

Biotechnologies use organisms or parts of organisms, so they often raise ethical or legal concerns. For example, should we animals, use embryonic stem cells to treat disease or transplant organs from pigs to humans? Use this article, . This activity using our online quiz is a great introduction to biotech – it’s a treasure hunt using lots of related resources.

Biotechnology quiz

Answer the questions in this quiz to find out how much you know about biotechnology.

Rights: University of Waikato

Published: 16 February 2010