
Week 4: Benthos – life on the seabed

During the voyage to the Ross Sea, we sampled benthos. So what is benthos, and why do we want to know more about it?

Underwater sea stars, urchins and limpets from Antarctic benthos

Sea stars and limpets

Antarctic benthos: sea-stars (Odontaster validus), urchins (Sterechinus neumayeri) and limpets (Nacella concinna).

Rights: NIWA

Benthos is everything that lives on the seafloor: sea stars, sea squirts, sea slugs, corals, crabs, clams, whelks (sea snails), worms, sponges, urchins, anemones and a great many more things. Benthos begins at the edge of the ocean, and many of the organisms we find in the Antarctic will be very similar to those you will know from rock pools and beaches at home.

Barnacles and sponges from the seafloor

The video shows the so called beam trawl being pulled up on board and emptied. Samples are taken into the laboratory for sorting. Kareen Schnabel shows some of the species that were found and talks about the scientist’s expectations.

Points of interest for teachers:

  • Students can take note of the shape of the beam trawl and the contents; note the high content of mud in the net.

  • Talk about the types of species that were caught in the beam trawl.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Studying benthos (or benthic organisms) is important to understanding how ocean ecosystems work. Often, these animals occur in very high numbers and with high biological diversity, which leads us to think they play an important role in the way that energy (food) flows through the ocean ecosystem.

Two Antarctic zooplankton - krill.

Antarctic zooplankton.

Krill is one of the best known Antarctic species of zooplankton and are the food source for a wide range of animals.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

Antarctic benthic organisms live in extremely cold water and have been isolated through continental drift from the rest of the world’s oceans for many millions of years. This combination of cold and isolation has resulted in the evolution of very special animals.

During this voyage, we asked questions such as ‘Why are these animals where they are?’, ‘How do they come to be there?’ and ‘Why are they different from similar animals elsewhere?’

The benthic zone – slideshow

The benthic zone is the bottom of the water. Benthos refers to animals living in this zone (both on and near the sea floor). This short slideshow shows some of the animals found in the Antarctic benthic zone. Find out more in the article Week 4: Benthos – life on the seabed.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

IPY blogs week 4

Sampling the benthos

Filming on the sea floor

The Tangaroa is travelling now close to Cape Adare and floating icebergs can be seen from the side of the ship. The DTIS (Deep Towed Imaging System) is lowered into the water to take still images from the sea floor. Sadie Mills explains the photographs that were taken and in the background is Steve George who gives the winch driver instructions. Sadie points out some of the species and items that can be seen like a dumbo octopus or whale vertebrae.

Points of interest for teachers:

  • Notice the ice on deck where the person can be seen at the beginning of the video.

  • Students should take note of the last item that Sadie points out at the end of the clip.

Rights: The University of Waikato

The benthic animals we study range from bacteria to massive sponges and can live both above and within the seabed. In order to sample all of them, we tow cameras close to the seabed, allowing us to observe the distribution and abundance of the species and how they interact with each other and their environment. We use sleds and trawls to catch organisms that live on the seabed and a multicorer that takes samples of the seabed mud and any animals living in it. This will allow us to assess biodiversity, learn more about food chains and understand the evolutionary history (how the organisms came to be there) of the Ross Sea ecosystem.

Written by David Bowden

Crinoid echinoderms at 370 metre depth in the southern Ross Sea

Crinoid echinoderms

Crinoid echinoderms at 370 metre depth in the southern Ross Sea (Site C5) photographed by the Deep Towed Imaging System (DTIS).

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Brenke epibenthic sled being prepared for deployment in Ross Sea

Brenke epibenthic sled

The Brenke epibenthic sled being prepared for deployment. The sled has two fine mesh nets which collect small organisms from close to the seabed.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

The spineless catch of the day

As the catch from sleds and trawls arrives on deck, the benthic team springs into action. Three weeks into this voyage, they have already processed more than 2 tonnes of mud, sand and rocks from the Antarctic Ocean. The catch appears like a chaotic jumble of fish and invertebrates like sea stars, sponges and worms, smothered in copious amounts of mud. The fish are picked out by the fish team, while the benthic team bins, weighs, sorts, records and properly preserves everything else on deck in our small enclosed hut. Back in Wellington, these samples will be analysed to learn about species diversity, distribution, food webs and the evolution of the Antarctic benthos.

Written by Kareen Schnabel

Haul of mostly glass sponges awaiting weighing and sorting

Glass sponges

Before – a large haul of mostly glass sponges awaiting weighing and sorting.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Marine specie samples sorted into jars and preserved in alcohol.

Creating order from chaos

After – Creating order from chaos, samples sorted into jars and preserved in alcohol.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)


One of my roles on board is to conduct experiments on the rate that organisms in the sediment use oxygen in the areas that we are sampling. We use the multicorer to get sediment cores and bottom water from the seabed. Both the core and the overlying water are then incubated in a waterbath at the same temperature as the sediment at the bottom of the ocean. Throughout incubation, the dissolved oxygen level of the water inside each tube is measured at roughly 4-hourly intervals. When animals breathe, they consume oxygen – faster oxygen consumption indicates more life in the mud!

Written by Matt Knox

Deploying the multicorer from the research vessel Tangaroa

Deploying the multicorer

A multicore drop in progress.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Sediment incubation cores

Sediment incubation cores

Sediment incubation cores monitored by laboratory assistant Dwaye Monkley.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

Sea cucumbers

Sea cucumbers (holothurians), which are particularly common, result in hours of sorting for the benthic team. Perfect for a sea cucumber biologist! One sea cucumber (Scotoplanes globosa), known on the Tangaroa as the ‘sea pig’ for its pig-like peg legs and snout-like tentacle oral crown, lives abundantly in the deep sea of Antarctica. It was initially seen in our DTIS (Deep Towed Image System) crawling along mud substrate balancing on 5–7 pairs of sturdy feet. Following this, we caught numerous sea pigs in a 30-minute trawl. Generally, sea cucumbers in the deep sea are deposit eaters, crawling on the bottom unselectively engulfing mud and extracting nutritious food. Hence, sea cucumbers have been known as ‘hoovers’ of the sea.

Written by Niki Davey

Sadie Mills holding a sea cucumber (Scotoplanes globosa) on ship

Sadie Mills with a sea cucumber

Sadie Mills with the sea cucumber (commonly called a sea pig) Scotoplanes globosa.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
An abundance of sea cucumbers in a catch.

Sea cucumbers

Sea cucumbers are in abundance in this catch.

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

Marine symbioses in Antarctica

Interactions between living organisms can be direct and simple (predator eats plant eater) or more complex as in the case of symbiotic relationships. The word ‘symbiosis’ is often used to mean an association between organisms from which both gain an advantage but its proper definition includes parasitism (living in or on another organism and eating its tissues or its food). We found two new parasites of sea cucumbers (holothurian). The first parasite is a small mollusc that lives permanently embedded in their host’s skin, feeding on the body fluids. The second is a tiny crustacean that lives completely inside the sea pig and feeds on its internal tissues.

Written by Stefano Schiaparelli (Italian National Antarctic Museum, Section of Genoa)

Stilapex (gastropod mollusc) + Scotoplanes (holothurian ‘sea pig

Eulimid parasite

Parasitic association between Stilapex (gastropod mollusc) and Scotoplanes (holothurian ‘sea pig’).

The arrow shows a couple of molluscs deeply (and happily!) embedded in the holothurian skin (sea cucumber), on its ventral side (close to the abdomen). The molluscs emerge only with less than half their shell and live permanently in this position, never leaving the shelter. They feed on body fluids of the holothurian, by using the long and extensible proboscis which is an elongated appendage from the head of an anima (right bottom).

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
Tanaid parasite living inside holothurian skin of a sea cucumber

Tanaid parasite

In the first picture is possible to spot (arrows), thanks to the transparency of the holothurian skin (sea cucumber), two specimens of the tanaid – small, bottom-dwelling marine crustaceans, living inside the holothurian. Here they use their claws to feed on the host skin. In some cases the parasites excavated ‘tunnels’, (picture on the right).

Rights: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Published:03 December 2007