Wave tank modelling
In this activity, students use a shallow tray of water to demonstrate wave generation and behaviour.

A surf wave versus a tsunami
Tsunamis have much more energy than a surf wave, so they last for longer and are much faster. The shape of the two waves is also completely different.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
demonstrate how surf and tsunami waves originate
demonstrate how surf and tsunami waves interact with the ocean floor
demonstrate how wave height (amplitude) is increased due to shoaling.
Download the Word file for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
discussion questions.
Nature of science
Models are a way of visualising something we cannot safely or directly observe. The wave tank model helps us to represent surf and tsunami waves, but not with complete accuracy.
Related content
The level 3 Connected article Building for the future looks at how a scientist uses scientific modelling and is working with others to build a safer future for a Samoan village.
Waves of all kinds (such as water waves, sound waves and electromagnetic radiation) share several fundamental characteristics that can help us understand why they behave the way they do. Waves transfer energy and shoaling converts the kinetic energy in a tsunami wave into potential energy. Explore further some of the key similarities and differences between tsunamis and surf waves.