
Orokonui Ecosanctuary: a mainland island

After the success of offshore islands in protecting our native species, mainland islands were introduced and have proved to be a successful conservation strategy. The process includes creating an ‘island’ by protecting an area of land, often with large-scale predator-proof fencing, eradicating all mammalian pests and restoring the native forest.

Predator-proof fence surrounding Ōrokonui Ecosanctuary, NZ

Predator-proof fence

A 1.9 metre high predator-proof fence surrounds Ōrokonui Ecosanctuary. The fence is specially designed to keep out climbing and burrowing animals.

Point of interest
Why do you think the vegetation has been cleared away from the outside edge of the fence?

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Why are mainland islands important?

New Zealand’s native species evolved in isolation from other regions for millions of years after the last land bridge to Gondwana was lost. Birds and insects dominated our ecosystems, and the only native mammals are 2 species of bat. As a result of this unique history, our native species have survival methods that are not adapted to predatory animals introduced by Polynesian and European settlers, and these predators have had devastating effects. For example, our native frogs had evolved a ‘freezing’ defence mechanism that is very effective against birds that hunt using sight but useless against mammals that hunt using smell.

Introduced mammals, including rats, cats, stoats, possums and mice, have caused the extinction of a number of our native animals and plants and restricted many others to predator-free offshore islands. Mainland islands are an opportunity to conserve populations of our native fauna and restore native flora that has also suffered due to land clearing and introduced species.

Establishing Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Orokonui Ecosanctuary - a new, 370-hectare mainland island - is a 20-minute drive from Dunedin. The Otago Natural History Trust manages the project.

Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Mainland sanctuaries, also known as mainland islands, are an important conservation strategy in New Zealand. In this video clip, Associate Professor Alison Cree, from the University of Otago, talks about the establishment of Orokonui Ecosanctuary and the process of introducing tuatara to the sanctuary.

Point of interest
Why do you think the 2 visitors are searching their bags before they enter the sanctuary?

Jargon alert
Translocation: when a number of individuals are transported to a new area to establish a new population or to help restore an existing population.

Rights: The University of Waikato

The creation of the ecosanctuary has taken many years and involved a large number of people, including scientists, local iwi, government agencies and volunteers. The ecosanctuary now has a number of temporary and permanent staff that work alongside these other groups.

After public consultation, 3 important steps in setting up the ecosanctuary were agreed upon – pest eradication, restoration of the forest ecosystem and the reintroduction of native species.

  • Pest eradication: A 1.9 metre high predator-proof fence surrounds the ecosanctuary. This highly specialised fence has a steel canopy to keep out climbing animals, like cats and possums, as well as a mesh skirt at ground level that stops burrowing animals. There is also an electronic surveillance wire to alert staff if anything breaks the fence. Once the fence was in place, 12 species of pest were eradicated from within the ecosanctuary, but regular monitoring is required to make sure the area remains predator-free. Staff use specially trained dogs and special traps to help in this work.

  • Forest restoration: This work involves weeding out introduced plants and replanting the area with native species.

  • Species reintroduction: In consultation with scientists, a number of species have been translocated to the area including kākā, jewelled geckos and tuatara. Some species are released freely into the ecosanctuary. Others are released into special enclosures and are closely monitored by staff.

The future for Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Now that plans and procedures are in place to monitor pests, enhance the vegetation and reintroduce species in stages, the staff have been able to look ahead to the future of the sanctuary.

Tracking tunnels outside with footprints on recording paper.

Tracking tunnel

Tracking tunnels are one method of monitoring species living in an area.

They are useful to note if any unwanted species are present in areas where introduced mammals have been eradicated.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

An exciting development is the opening of the new Visitor and Education Centre. This centre is designed to be an environmentally sustainable building and to provide visitor facilities including interpretive displays. A teaching room is incorporated into the design, and school groups are hosted to learn about what the ecosanctuary is all about. A number of new tracks will begin at the centre, offering visitors the chance to explore points of interest in the sanctuary.

Contact details

Address: Top of Blueskin Road (Rapid No. 600) Waitati, Dunedin Phone 03 482 1755 Email:

Related content

Our recorded PLD webinars provide information on how to help students get involved in ecological monitoring and investigations:

Find out what happened when a weasel was discovered after it got past the predator-proof fence at the urban ecosanctuary, ZEALANDIA.

Useful links

Find out more about Orokonui Ecosanctuary and read the latest news on their website.

Article and audio from Radio New Zealand Our Changing World featuring Chris Baillie and Elton Smith from the Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Find out more about mainland islands that are managed by the Department of Conservation.

In this 2022 Radio NZ Our Changing World programme find out about the work supported by Orokonui Ecosanctuary being undertaken to encourage the return of the South Island kākā to Otago.

Published:18 January 2010