
Vegetable caterpillar

Imagine a creature that turns moths into mummies by trapping them in an underground grave before emerging out of their neck to begin the cycle again. Not only does this creature exist, it’s part of New Zealand’s native biota and although referred to as the vegetable caterpillar, we are actually talking about a type of fungusOphiocordyceps robertsii.

Vegetable caterpillar fungi

Dr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, introduces Ophiocordyceps robertsii – the vegetable caterpillar fungus. Native to New Zealand, this fungus invades moth caterpillars and turns them into mummies!

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Further research and scientific advances can reveal additional information that result in taxonomy changes. DNA testing of Cordyceps robertsii and related fungi has seen a name change to Ophiocordyceps robertsii.

Hands holding a dried vegetable caterpillar fungus specimen

Vegetable caterpillar fungus specimen

The vegetable caterpillar fungus infects the porina moth caterpillar and turns it into a dried mummy.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

How does this happen?

The caterpillars of the native Aoraia dinodes or Dumbletonius characterifer species of moths accidentally eat the very small, reproductive spores of the fungus when feeding on leaf litter. The insides of the caterpillar form an ideal habitat for the fungus spores to germinate and grow. When the caterpillar retreats underground to start to form into a pupa, preparing to develop into a moth, the fungus starts to grow using the caterpillar’s body for food. As the fungus grows, it forms a shell around the caterpillar’s body, and slowly the whole thing dries out. The caterpillar is slowly turned into a mummy and is dried and preserved in the fungal casing.

As the fungus feeds from the nutrients in the caterpillar’s body, it grows and is eventually ready to reproduce again. It grows a small stem through the head of the caterpillar, which is the part of the body closest to the forest floor. The stem grows slowly until it pushes through to the forest floor. When it reaches the fresh air, the top of the stem thickens to develop a layer of flask-shaped structures in which are produced fungal spores in sets of eight, each set within a sac called an ascus. These are released into the atmosphere, to be inadvertently consumed by another unsuspecting caterpillar moth, and the cycle begins again.

Mummified caterpillar

This animation shows a caterpillar of the native Aoraia dinodes or Dumbletonius characterifer species of moths ingesting the reproductive spores of Ophiocordyceps robertsii – the vegetable caterpillar fungus. The caterpillar accidentally eats the spores when feeding on leaf litter on the forest floor.

The fungus then feeds on the insides of the caterpillar, mummifying it and producing a sporangium through the dead caterpillar’s neck and releasing spores.

The spores are not to scale – they are so small, you wouldn’t normally see them!

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Signs of the vegetable caterpillar can be found in New Zealand bush. Look for small (2–3 millimetres thick) brown stems pushing up through the leaf litter. If you carefully dig these out, you might see the moth mummy that is often still attached at the bottom, dried and preserved by the fungus.

Is the fungus useful?

Vegetable caterpillar fungus, growing up through forest floor.

Vegetable caterpillar fungus, growing

After infecting the caterpillar and creating the mummy, the fungus grows up through the forest floor. The top of the fungus then develops fruiting bodies that spread spores for reproduction.

Rights: Clive Shirley

Recent research in New Zealand has been focusing on the traditional uses of fungi like the vegetable caterpillar fungus. Dr Peter Buchanan and his master’s student Rebekah Fuller have been investigating the uses Māori had for native fungi species. Rebekah has been working with Māori communities throughout New Zealand and has interviewed them about their knowledge of fungi. Their results are interesting.

A PhD in ethnobotany

Rebekah Fuller, University of Hawaii PhD student, talks about her current research. Rebekah is interested in the traditional uses of fungi and how knowledge of these uses spread throughout the Pacific.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Traditionally, Māori looked for the vegetable caterpillar fungus and sometimes used it for food. Apparently, when fresh, it tastes a little like a nut. The more common use was as an ingredient of the ink used to create tā moko (tattoo). Learn more about using āwheto for tā moko in Māori knowledge and uses for fungi.

Traditional uses of the vegetable caterpillar fungus

Rebekah Fuller, University of Hawaii PhD student, describes her research into the role the vegetable caterpillar fungus played in ancient Māori traditions, including its use as ink for creating moko.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Nature of science

One characteristic of good science is when scientists listen to contributions from everybody when they are developing understandings of phenomena. The vegetable caterpillar shows us how Māori knowledge has opened up interesting avenues for research.

Selling mummified caterpillars

At the beginning of the 1900s, the Auckland to Rotorua train would slow considerably on an incline through what was the primeval Mamaku Forest. People were able to run alongside the train and sell the mummified caterpillars to tourists as curios. The caterpillar mummies sold for the fortune of 10 shillings each.

Further research and developments

Development of the āwheto fruitbody is a natural process of interaction between fungus and caterpillar. Research seeking to artificially cultivate fruitbody development has been unsuccessful. Overseas, considerable effort has been applied, also without success, to artificially cultivate a high value āwheto-like fungus that inhabits the alpine grasslands of Himalayas and Tibet. Ophiocordyceps sinensis produces its fruitbodies on caterpillars of the ghost moth, and is harvested by local communities in vast, unsustainable quantities (est. 82 tons per year) for the Chinese herbal medicine market. With declining harvests likely resulting from over-exploitation, this has become one of the world’s highest-priced natural biological products, with an average retail price of US $45,000 to 90,000 per kg. Its value and reputation as an aphrodisiac and tonic has attracted interest in other species of Ophiocordyceps such as the vegetable caterpillar fungus. But to date research is suggesting it appears to lack key bioactive chemicals and is distinctly larger in appearance.

Activity idea

This cross-curricular activity combines science with reading, viewing, writing and presenting and will help your student learn about two unusual native New Zealand soil creatures, one of which is the vegetable catapillar.

Useful link

Listen to the Department of Conservation's Threatened Species Ambassador, Nicola Toki talk about this wonderous critter on Radio NZ here.

Published:30 April 2009