
Dr Alan Beu

Position: Emeritus Scientist, GNS Science.
Field: Paleontology.

Dr Alan Beu has spent most of his life working with fossils. He has collected shell fossils throughout New Zealand and in many other countries. Collecting trips are just a part of the job though. Alan also painstakingly identifies his finds, using reference collections including the one at GNS Science. He has studied some shell species in great detail, sorting out their evolution through geological time. This contributes towards being able to use fossils to date rocks.

Profile headshot of Dr Alan Beu.

Dr Alan Beu

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

For Alan, a boyhood hobby of collecting shells turned into an adult obsession. He studied zoology and geology at Victoria University of Wellington and did his PhD on fossils. Alan was then fortunate to spend the next 20 years working at the Geological Survey (an ancestor organisation of the current GNS Science) with Charles Fleming. In 1953, Fleming had published a report on the Pleistocene rocks near Whanganui. This important report is still used by geologists today.

Whanganui rocks

Dr Alan Beu, explains why rocks near Whanganui are of world significance. There are few other places on land with such a depth of Pleistocene rocks in a single sequence. The rocks, and the fossils in them, provide evidence for sea-level changes during ice ages and the warm periods between.

Rights: University of Waikato

At the time, geologists around the world thought that there had been just four glacial periods in the Pleistocene. Fleming realised that the rocks and fossils at Whanganui recorded sea level changes, so he interpreted his data using the accepted model of four ice ages. However, Alan Beu and others carried on studying the fossils at Whanganui in even greater detail, sorting out the record of sea level changes. Evidence started pointing towards there being many more than four glacial periods. Explore further the research on Whanganui rocks and climate cycles.

Fossils from Whanganui

Dr Alan Beu reveals some shell fossils in the National Paleontology Collection, stored at GNS Science. Some fossils in a rock can indicate the environment that rock was formed in. Certain shells lived only in shallow water, others only in deep water. Other shells are of less use, as they lived in a range of environments.

Rights: © Copyright. University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

Alan was able to link this work with the results of oxygen isotope measurements in deep-sea cores around the world. The result was a change in the accepted thinking, as there was now evidence for over 50 glacial cycles in the Pleistocene, so Alan’s work and findings have contributed to changing scientists’ ways of thinking.

paleontologist with car on a beach

All in a day’s work

For paleontologists like Alan, working outdoors is part of the attraction. When you get to work in places like this, you can see why.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Alan’s work doesn’t take him to Whanganui often nowadays, but he is involved in many other projects. He is also planning to semi-retire in 2012, but unsurprisingly will not be giving up all his work with fossils.

Nature of science

Geologist Charles Fleming fitted his data from Whanganui rocks into a model of ice age cycles that was globally accepted at the time. Later scientists used the same data and more collected from the same place to completely change the accepted model.

This article is based on information current in 2011 and 2018.

Published: 18 May 2011Updated: 18 July 2018