Fisheries role-play
In this activity, students take on the role of a stakeholder in New Zealand fisheries. In their role, they decide whether they agree or disagree with the statement ‘there are plenty of fish in the sea’.

Commercial fishing boat
Fishing was probably the first use of the oceans by humans. In the last century, significant increases in commercial fishing have resulted in the over-exploitation of many fish stocks.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
examine the issue of fishing in New Zealand from a range of different value perspectives
use their growing science knowledge to make an informed decision on a New Zealand conservation issue.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
stakeholder cards.
Related content
Explore this timeline that looks at some of the historical aspects of fisheries in New Zealand.
Human impacts on the marine environment have increased along with population growth, developments in technology and changes in land use. Over-fishing, pollution and introduced species are all affecting life in the sea.
Useful link
The price of fish by Kate Evan article from New Zealand Geographic looks at how three decades ago, the right to catch and sell fish became a property right. How has that worked out for people and for fish?