
Hydro power

Hydro power uses water to generate electricity. Most hydro electricity is generated from fresh water, but there is also the potential for marine-generated electricity that uses the movement of waves.

Clyde dam in the South Island, New Zealand.

Clyde hydro dam

The Clyde dam in the South Island uses water to generate electricity. It is New Zealand’s third largest hydro dam.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Rivers flow from areas of higher elevations (height above sea level) towards lakes or oceans, and as the water moves, it gains kinetic energy. Considering that the water is contained within the confines of a river bed, all the energy is also contained (unlike solar energy, which is very dispersed). By containing rivers through structures (hydro lakes formed by damming a river), we can increase the potential energy of water.

As the water flows through the dam in a controlled manner, the water rushes over turbines that spin, and the kinetic energy is used to generate electricity. Compare running water from a tap (an undammed river) and filling up the basin and pulling the plug (a dammed river forming a lake) – you can see that there is greater energy released from the basin filled with water than just running a tap.

Close up of a Raging river.

Raging river

Harnessing the energy of a river is one example of using a renewable resource to generate power. Most of New Zealand’s electricity is produced by hydro power.

Rights: 123RF Limited

New Zealand already has a number of hydro electricity power plants, and most of our electricity is generated this way. This benefits our country not just in the generation of power but also because hydro power is a renewable resource, and as long as there is enough water in the rivers and lakes, we can generate power. Hydro power also does not release pollutants into the atmosphere or surrounding area, thus making it environmentally friendly.

One of the drawbacks to hydro power is the damming process. This changes the natural flow of the river and is a problem for local plant and animal species.

Looking down at the Karāpiro dam on Waikato River, New Zealand.

Dams affect river systems

Rivers are connected systems, and dams disconnect one area from another. They also alter the flow, temperature and sediment in river systems. This is the Karāpiro dam on the Waikato River.

Rights: Michael Hind

While some people like the recreational aspects of a lake that has been created from damming water, others will argue that altering the river’s flow is harmful because it can lead to potential flooding, migratory fish can no longer get past the dam, and it also has effects on the ecology of that area.

With an increase of public awareness on how a dam may affect an area, newly proposed dams must go through rigorous planning procedures where members of the public are given opportunities to be heard.

Marine energy

Generating power from waves is still a relatively experimental technology. The underlying idea is that a ‘hollow’ power plant is positioned in alleys off the coast of beaches. Each time a wave enters the chamber, the water pushes air upwards, which drives a turbine. The turbine is attached to a generator, which transforms kinetic energy into electricity.

Unfortunately after various research projects, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, EECA now believe that the abundance of cheaper renewable energy resources in New Zealand makes it unlikely marine energy will contribute to the national grid in the foreseeable future. Investigations into harnessing the energy of ocean waves continues in other countries.

Explore the use of waves as energy transfer, including using marine wave, power further in this article.

Useful links

The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) focuses on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

Gen Less is a government agency dedicated to mobilising New Zealanders to be world leaders in clean and clever energy use, explore how business can run more sustainably with renewable energy.

MBIE is responsible for maintaining data on New Zealand’s generation stack. This is a list containing information on the costs of existing and new electricity generation plants in New Zealand, it includes reports on geothermal, hydro, thermal, solar and wind power.

Published:10 June 2008