Meissner effect – Nick Strickland video clips
In this activity, students watch video clips of IRL research scientist Dr Nick Strickland talking about superconductivity and the Meissner effect and then answer a of questions and solve some simple electrical problems related to the content.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
describe the Meissner effect
explain in simple terms how the Meissner effect comes about
give meanings for the terms ‘electrical resistance’, ‘electric current’, ‘voltage’ and ‘magnetic field’
state some of the uses the Meissner effect has been put to.
Meissner effect
Dr Nick Strickland, a research scientist working in the field of superconductivity at Industrial Research Limited (IRL), describes some of the properties that superconductive materials show. He explains an effect known as the Meissner effect and discusses its application to levitated transport systems.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
instructions on what you need and what to do
student worksheet.