
Observing freshwater macroinvertebrates

In this activity, students collect and observe macroinvertebrates from a local freshwater stream.

The water boatman (Corixidae: Sigara) is a macroinvertebrate.

Water boatman.

The water boatman (Corixidae: Sigara) is a macroinvertebrate found in streams, lakes and ponds. Their hairy legs are adapted for swimming in slow-moving water.

Rights: Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Creative Commons 4.0 licence

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • recognise that invertebrates are part of freshwater ecosystems

  • safely capture freshwater macroinvertebrates for observation

  • group macroinvertebrates according to observable features.

Download the Word file (see link below) for:

  • introduction/background notes

  • what you need

  • what to do

  • extension ideas.

Nature of science

Observation is a key component of science. Observation can happen at many levels – from carefully looking at creatures while working at the water’s edge, through to full identification and classification.

Related content

Discover more about New Zealand’s aquatic insects.

Environmental DNA is a tool scientists use to monitor freshwater ecosystems. Find out more about environmental DNA and use this hands-on and feet-on activity to ‘sample’ eDNA in a lake system.

Useful links

Macroinvertebrate monitoring is an important part of measuring stream health. There are numerous freshwater monitoring guides available. Check with your local regional council for resources and kits specific to your area.

Literacy links

‘Wonderful Water’ by Philippa Werry (Connected 3 2004) describes a class investigation of two Wellington streams.

‘The Water Wardens’ by Alan Bagnall (Connected 2 2002) tells how a class is inspired to adopt a nearby stream.

Published:24 October 2016