
Biology idea 2: The gene

Why do offspring resemble their parents? The discovery of the molecule that is passed from a parent to their offspring was a key development in biology.

Discovering heredity

The nature of heredity was discovered by a monk called Gregor Mendel who carried out thousands of breeding experiments with pea plants. From his results, he surmised that a 'particle' from each parent is passed on to their offspring and that these two 'particles' interact to create similar traits in the offspring.

Black and white old portrait photo of Gregor Mendel (1822–1884).

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) is known as the father of genetics. He proposed the key laws of genetics from this work on inheritance of traits in peas in 1866.

Rights: Hugo Iltis - Wellcome Library, London, CC BY 4.0

Inheritance of traits

Even though Mendel had clearly shown inheritance involved a particle being passed from parent to offspring, he had not been able to identify the particle, so his work was treated with scepticism. Almost half a century later, in the early 1900s, these views were changed.

Mendel: The father of genetics

How did a monk who enjoyed gardening become the "father of modern

Rights: The University of Waikato

Mendel: Ahead of his time

When Gregor Mendel published his theory of inheritance in 1865, it should have started a revolution, but it would be another 35 years before his theory would be rediscovered and then accepted.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Could the secrets to heredity lie inside cells? Chromosomes had been observed and behaved exactly as Mendel’s particles should, but how they could carry hereditary information was still a mystery.

The central dogma of biology

Mendel’s work was finally accepted when was identified as the molecule responsible for inheritance. DNA has functional lengths called genes that equate to Mendel’s particles. These lengths of DNA control a by way of producing a . This is the central dogma of biology.

From Mendel to DNA

The rediscovery of Mendel's work in 1900 began a series of revelations about that would continue throughout the 20th century. What were some of these revelations?

Rights: The University of Waikato

DNA is normally found inside cells in a structure called the . In the nucleus, the DNA is unravelled. However, when DNA is being replicated, it becomes tightly wound into fibres and forms structures called chromosomes.

Genes are inherited

We now know that genes are the unit of inheritance. We inherit two copies of each , one from each of our parents.

Black and white Image of human chromosomes.

Human chromosomes

Image of human chromosomes.

Rights: Steffen Dietzel, Creative Commons

All the cells we have contain exactly the same genes, but not all of these genes are expressed. Some genes are switched on to produce proteins, whereas others are switched off. The type of , tissue or organ depends on which genes are expressed.

Published: 4 February 2008