
REV it UP – electric cars

REV it UP is a Taranaki-based Participatory Science Platform (PSP) project supported by the New Zealand Government. New Plymouth Boys’ High School and local engineering firm Falcon Engineering, with the support of Taranaki Venture Trust, are working together to research, design and build an electric vehicle (EV) and test it against its petrol-powered equivalent.

The REV it UP project car, a Toyota MR2 on stands outside.

REV it UP project car

The REV it UP project car, a Toyota MR2, waiting for an electric makeover. 

Rights: New Plymouth Boys' High School

The first phase is research. Students have been investigating the various inputs and design requirements needed for an electric engine that will be used in an existing car body, a Toyota MR2. The students are also rebuilding a second, petrol-powered vehicle. Building the two vehicles will provide data to enable specific comparisons such as energy used per kilometre, cost per kilometre and theoretical range and performance characteristics of each vehicle.

The students will then be able to show which system is the most cost-efficient to run when comparing the cost of fuel and electricity energy equivalents per unit cost versus power output and cost per kilometre.

Electric vehicles are not all the same

There are two main types of EV. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are fuelled only by the battery, which is charged by plugging in to an electric power point. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have two engines – one fuelled by a battery, which is charged by plugging in to an electric power point, and the other fuelled by petrol or diesel.

Man plugging in a red Nissan Leaf electric car to charge ourside

An EV getting charged

Owners of a Nissan Leaf, an all-electric vehicle, plug it in to a charging station.

Rights: Judi Lapsley Miller

Hybrid vehicles that you do not plug in are not technically classified as electric vehicles. Their batteries are charged by recapturing energy from electricity generated by the engine or when braking. They are more energy efficient than a traditional petrol or diesel vehicle and do produce less emissions.

Increasing popularity of electric vehicles

In May 2016, the New Zealand Government set a target to double EV registrations each year, aiming for 64,000 by 2021. At the time of the announcement, there were 2,000 electric vehicles registered. Significant improvements to battery technology and a desire for reduced emissions are making EVs more attractive to the public.

It’s clear that support for EVs is gathering momentum with registrations already double what they were last year. It’s fantastic to see people and businesses recognise the environmental and economic benefits of going electric

Transport Minister, Honourable Simon Bridges, May 2016

Electric cars were first developed in the 1800s, and the first hybrid concept car was seen at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1995. For more on the development of electric vehicles, see the Electric car history timeline below.

Electric car history

Electric vehicles (EVs) were invented in the 1800s, but mass-produced petrol-powered cars like Henry Ford’s Model T, introduced in 1908, quickly became more widely available and affordable. The electric vehicles had all but disappeared by 1935 – until the realisation that fossil fuel is a finite resource. This, combined with growing concerns about the damaging effects of emissions from petrol-powered motors, has led to a resurgence in interest in electric vehicles.

Note: To use this interactive timeline, move your cursor or finger over any of the labelled boxes and select to get further information. You can also scroll forwards and backwards or use the arrows in the top section.


1821 – First electromagnet

Michael Faraday creates the first electromagnet.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1834 – First rotating electric motor

German physicist Moritz von Jacobi creates the first rotating electric motor.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1837 – First American patent placed on an electric motor

Thomas Davenport, a blacksmith from Vermont, is awarded the first American patent on an electric motor.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1859 – First rechargeable battery invented

The first rechargeable battery, a lead-acid cell, is invented by Gaston Planté. This technology is still used today. Further developments become possible in the electric car industry.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1880 – Working electric vehicles being designed and built

Several people are designing and building electric cars using electric rotating motors. English electrical engineer Thomas Parker, a pioneer of manufacturing equipment that powers electric tramways, uses this technology to build one of the first electric cars.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1894 – Electrobat ll – first commercially available electric vehicle

The Electrobat ll is the first commercially available electric vehicle, designed and built by mechanical engineer Henry Morris and chemist Pedro Salom.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1898 – Egger-Lohner electric car developed

Ferdinand Porsche develops the Egger-Lohner electric car. It is nicknamed the P1.

Acknowledgement: Arnaud 25, licensed under Creative Commons 4.0

1908 – Petrol-powered Model T developed

Henry Ford develops the Model T.  Mass production of this cheaper, petrol-powered vehicle results in the demise of the electric vehicle.

Acknowledgement: Pierre Poschadel, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

1914 – Charging a Baker electric car


Thomas Edison's first car was made by the Baker Motor Vehicle Company. He designed the long-lasting batteries used in some of Baker's cars and industrial trucks. Baker made luxury cars and their EV was part of the U.S. White House's first fleet of cars.

Acknowledgement: Girl charging a Baker electric automobile. Courtesy of the National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library

1971 – NASA helps raise the profile of the electric vehicle

NASA helps raise the profile of the electric vehicle when its electric Lunar Rover becomes the first manned vehicle to drive on the Moon in 1971.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

1996 – General Motors develop first mass-produced all-electric car

GM used a lease-only agreement to release the EV1 in the USA. The customer feedback about the EV1 was positive and production continued until 1999, but in 2002, GM believing that electric cars were unprofitable, recalled all EV1 vehicles. The majority of them were crushed, despite the protest of their customers.

Acknowledgement: Rick Rowen, RightBrainPhotography, licenced under Creative Commons 2.0

1997 – First mass-produced modern hybrid electric vehicle produced

The Toyota Prius is the world’s first mass-produced modern hybrid electric vehicle. Audi designs the Duo lll.

Acknowledgement: Mytho88, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

1998 – Nissan Altra electric vehicle released

Nissan releases the Altra EV – only 200 are produced.

Acknowledgement: Tennen Gas, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

2008 – Tesla Roadster

Tesla Motors produce the Tesla Roadster, an all-electric vehicle.

Acknowledgement: Plug In America, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

2009 – Ford produces hybrid vehicle

The Ford Fusion hybrid vehicle is released in the US.

Acknowledgement: Public domain

2010 – Nissan, Mercedes-Benz and Tesla release all-electric vehicles

Nissan releases the Nissan Leaf all-electric car with a synchronous electric motor used on the front axle. Mercedes-Benz collaborates with Tesla Motor Company to produce the A-Class E-Cell vehicle.

Acknowledgement: Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

2011 – Chevrolet produces the Chevy Volt

Chevrolet produces the Chevy Volt hybrid for the US market.

Acknowledgement: Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

2012 – Tesla releases new models

With the end of production of the Tesla Roadstar, the Tesla Model S is released.

Acknowledgement: Tim Draper/Steve Jurvetson, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

2013 – Panamera S E-Hybrid released

Porsche released the Panamera S E-Hybrid released.

Acknowledgement: Motor Blog, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

2014 – Multiple releases of electric and hybrid cars worldwide

Around the world, there are multiple releases of electric and hybrid cars from BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Kia.

Acknowledgement: Oregon Department of Transportation, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

2015 – Increasing technology and demand see more electric vehicles produced

The Tesla Model X is released, and more all-electric and hybrid models are released by Hyundai, Audi, Chevrolet, Volvo and Mercedes.

Acknowledgement: Steve Jurvetson, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

2016 – Technology is increasing at an exponential rate in this field

An increase in consumer demand for more clean, green motoring and the competition for a share in an increasing electric vehicle (EV) market sees the planned release of many more EV and hybrid vehicles by most of the world’s car production companies.

Acknowledgement: Yarruta, licensed through 123RF Ltd

2018 – Electric bus trial

Auckland Transport adds two electric buses to its fleet. In New Zealand, an electric bus has a carbon footprint that is only 10% that of a diesel bus. Other councils have also started adding electric buses to their bus fleet.

Acknowledgement: Auckland Transport

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

I’ve actually made a prediction that within 30 years a majority of new cars made in the United States will be electric. And I don’t mean hybrid, I mean fully electric.

Elon Musk, co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Motors, 2008

What is the science?

All vehicles use energy conversion technology to turn potential (stored) energy into kinetic (moving) energy. In a car fuelled by fossil fuels, such as petrol or diesel, the energy is stored in a chemical form. The energy transformation inside a combustion engine is a chemical reaction in which the burning of hydrocarbon molecules in fossil fuels pushes the pistons, turning a drive shaft, which turns the wheels.

Electric cars also use stored chemical energy, held in batteries, which is released in electrochemical reactions. The energy produced by the car’s batteries runs a controller, which runs an electric motor that turns the wheels of the car.

Storage batteries in an all electric car.

Batteries in an all-electric car

Storage batteries in an all electric car.

Rights: Claus Ableiter, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

How do electric motors work?

Electric motors work by using electricity, magnetism and movement. DC (direct current) electric motors use a system of magnets and coils to turn the drive shaft. The rare-earth element neodymium is used in the electric motors of EV and hybrid cars. The neodymium alloy has very high magnetic capacity per weight.

The most common motor used by home built EVs is the DC series wound electric motor. They run quietly and produce enough torque for modern driving. They have a direct drive – so no gears or transmission. Commercial, mass produced EVs use AC motors because of the simple regeneration they allow.

The Tesla Model S uses a 3-phase, 4-pole AC electric motor and is the best-performing electric car to date, outperforming all similar internal combustion engines.

REV it UP – a community initiative

REV it UP has its own workshop space in New Plymouth, creating a space outside of school hours where the students can learn and work together in an atmosphere that is more like a workshop than school. A local business, Falcon Engineering, is one of the driving forces behind the project.

We need good apprentices and engineers, this is one way we can upskill and encourage local young people into the industry

Local engineer

Engineers from Falcon, the hard materials technology teacher from New Plymouth Boys’ High School, Steve Leppard, as well as other community members spend time with the boys, teaching, supervising and motivating them to give things a go.

Everyone is encouraged to work to their strengths, and the participating students are learning basic engineering skills, including welding, electronics and CAD drawing. In order for the project to progress, they have to collaborate. Everyone has responsibilities, and they take pride in their space. There is a strong sense of project ownership, made possible by an inspiring school-community collaboration.

Activity ideas

This activity shows how to make a simple electric motor.

This activity explores solar power as an alternative energy sources for cars.

Related content

Find other Hub resources exploring some of the issues associated with ongoing fossil fuel use in the article Future fuels – introduction.

Driving us into the future is an article on electric cars in Connected 2016, Level 4, which comes with additional teacher support material.

Explore the environmental impacts in terms of CO2 of standard vehicles vs electric vehicles in The environmental footprint of electric versus fossil cars.

See the range of resources in our Pinterest board, CARS – and science that goes VROOM VROOM

Useful links

Visit the New Plymouth Boys’ High School Facebook page for REV It UP.

Find out more about electric cars in New Zealand on the Ministry of Transport website.

See Sigurd Magnussons’s regularly updated New Zealand Electric Car Guide.

Evolocity is a charitable organisation educating kiwis on the environmental and economic benefits of EVs while growing youth interest in technology and engineering.

Published:08 February 2017