Making a rain gauge
Rain gauges are one of the most ancient weather instruments. The ancient Greeks and people in India were the first known to keep rainfall records, about 400–500 BC. In 1441, Korea invented the first standardised rain gauge, the Cheugugi. It was 32 cm high and had a diameter of 15 cm. Since then, many other rain gauges have been invented, for example, the weighing precipitation gauge, the tipping bucket rain gauge, the optical rain gauge and the acoustic rain gauge.

A simple rain gauge
This simple rain gauge can be constructed by students to collect rainfall data in their school.
In this activity, students will construct a simple rain gauge. This activity supports the development of the science capabilities, especially ‘Gather and interpret data’, ‘Use evidence’ and ‘Critique evidence’.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
build a simple rain gauge
collect data using their rain gauge
interpret and make meaning of their data
discuss the reliability of their data.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
background information for teachers
equipment list
student instructions
extension ideas/prompting questions for teachers.
Activities are designed to be adaptable to meet students’ requirements, age level and ability.
Nature of science
In this activity, students will build on their understandings about how scientists use tools to measure and collect data about the environment.
Activity ideas
This activity is part of a set of five activities designed to support students collecting data about the weather. The other activities are: