Teacher PLD

Teaching food web concepts

In this online PD session recorded on 19 November 2015, primary school teacher Candy Hart describes how she adapted resources from the Science Learning Hub to teach her year 7 and 8 students concepts about food webs.

Candy built on her students’ understanding of food webs by asking students to transfer their learning by applying it to their local environment – quite different from the Hub’s marine example.

I have also used the articles in reading. I love the scientific vocabulary they learn.


This PLD session was based on the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the resources are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Food webs

This is a recording of the online webinar looking at how the hubs resources can be adapted when looking at food webs.

This video shows footage from the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the activities are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved

Food webs

This is a recording of the online webinar looking at how the hubs resources can be adapted when looking at food webs.

This video shows footage from the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the activities are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved

See links above to view the video of this professional development session (we recommend downloading the video) and also links to download the PowerPoint presentation.

Nature of science

Students are given the opportunity to explore issues within food web ecosystems (changes to the environment or within the food web) and to make decisions about possible implications and actions.

My kids have been making arrows to add to a poster of a food web and are then going to teach the lesson to another group within the class. They love the fact they are teaching others.

Teacher (referring to the Conserving native bird resources)


PowerPoint slide number(s)

Video timecode

About the Science Learning Hub and introducing the speaker



Introducing Candy Hart



Candy using SLH resources – Life in the Sea



Using a food web image on an interactive whiteboard



Learning about the food web through the Marine ecosystem interactive



Science information for teachers and students



Video – Understanding food webs



A closer look at a student activity – Build a marine food web



What Candy’s students did with this resource



Transferring the knowledge



Other SLH resources/student activities on food webs



Video – Impact of freshwater on cockles



Order promotional material, SLH links, thanks



Activity idea

In this activity, Making a food web, students construct a food web using string to show connections between species.

Useful link

Check out this collection of food web related resources we curated on Pinterest.

Integration of e-learning tools

Candy is an intermediate teacher of a year 7 and 8 class. She adapted the Science Learning Hub Marine food web activity by providing an additional context to add complexity for her students to explore and apply what they had learned. The big idea for focus was the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem, with an emphasis on how humans impact the natural balance of nature. She discusses what went well and what she would change if she did this science unit again.

Rights: 2015. University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

Published:27 November 2015