
Bioactive milk proteins attack acne

The results of a US clinical trial on acne by New Zealand-based biotechnology company Quantec Ltd have proved positive, according to researchers who presented the results to dermatologists.

Boy with acne on his forehead. (cropped)

Acne on forehead.

Rights: Public domain

Double blind study

In the clinical trial conducted early in 2013, a complex of bioactive milk proteins – called IDP (immune defence proteins) – was the active ingredient in a specially formulated skin cream that went head to head in a double blind study against a US-based clinical brand of acne treatment cream (containing 2% salicylic acid plus retinal).

At the end of the 42-day trial involving 84 subjects, both the acne treatment cream and the IDP-based cream showed statistically equivalent results in terms of total reduction in acne lesions.

Reduction of redness and inflammation

The IDP-based cream, however, also showed a major improvement of over 52% in reduction of redness and inflammation.

As part of the clinical assessment, the IDP cream also passed specific testing for use on subjects with sensitive skin, making it ideal for users with hyper-reactive and sensitive skin.

Acne, the skin bane of many adolescents, is caused by overactive sebaceous (oil) glands at the base of hair follicles. The oil, skin cells and hair in the pore can clump together into a plug. When the pore becomes blocked, bacteria can infect the pore, causing swelling and redness.

Focus on milk proteins

Waikato-based Quantec’s anti-acne formula grew out of a focus on the proteins in milk that form part of the cow’s natural protection against milking-related bacterial infections, such as mastitis. As well as anti-acne formulations, they have been formulating a suite of anti-microbial products for psoriasis and dandruff, as well as anti-fungal treatments for yeast infections like Candida albicans and athlete’s foot.

Bio-proteins powerful against bacteria

In a press release from Quantec, Managing Director Dr Rod Claycomb explains that, “These bio-proteins have unique properties, which make them very powerful against certain types of disease-causing bacteria, and they leave the natural and beneficial bacteria of the skin largely unaffected.

“By leaving these natural and beneficial bacteria active on the skin, IDP creates a perfect scenario for treatment and management of acne. In addition, the IDP bio-proteins signal directly to inflamed tissues and cells to quell the inflammatory response. IDP contains what we refer to as ‘Triple-A’ activity – antibacterialanti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


“It has taken our research and development team 7 years to create IDP and now prove its efficacy as an acne treatment.

“Therefore, it was important to us to detail the results of our clinical trial and gain the backing of industry-leading dermatologists prior to a commercial product launch.”

The article Fighting acne with milk proteins has more abut the progress that has been made in bringing this product to market and also other products from Quantec.

Useful links

View a video about Quantec Epiology on the Rural Delivery television series website.

Find out more on the Quantec website.

Published:23 September 2013