Teacher PLD

Exploring water pollution

In this online PD session recorded on 5 November 2015, primary school teacher Angela Schipper shares how she adapted resources from across the Science Learning Hub to explore water pollution with her primary students.

Thank you very much, what wonderful resources, well presented.


This PLD session was based on the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the resources are still available on our new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Great resources and information.


See links above to view the video of this professional development session (we recommend downloading the video) and also links to download the:

  • PowerPoint presentation

  • index for the PowerPoint and video.

Activity ideas

In this PD session, one of the participants said “Wow, simple, graphic!” when shown the video Point source contamination. Watch this video and the Non-point source contamination video and then use the following activities, which show how to build simple and effective models with students of all ages.

Useful link

Enviroschools is a programme that works with schools and communities to support environmental learning and action.

Published:13 November 2015