
Professor Margaret Hyland

Position: Vice-Provost (Research), Victoria University of Wellington, previously University of Auckland. Field: Chemical and materials engineering.

When we first met Margaret Hyland she was a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Auckland. She has a PhD in chemistry from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.

Prof Margaret Hyland

Prof Margaret Hyland

Prof Margaret Hyland interest in surface chemistry and phenomena that take place at surfaces began when she studied chemistry at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. 

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When Margaret was at high school, she found that science provided her with more of those “Wow, that’s really cool” moments than any other subject. Through study and research, she discovered that there was real potential for an individual to have an impact on the world and do things that really matter. She also realised that, through engineering and science, you can work on big issues that affect society.

I think of engineering as the interface between society and technology. Engineers are doing that translation from scientific or technological idea to an end use for the benefit of society.

Margaret has gained international recognition for her work in environmental aspects of aluminium reduction technology and in thermal spray-coatings. These two topics share a common theme: the chemistry of surfaces. Margaret has used her knowledge of surface chemistry to help design fluoride gas cleaning systems for the aluminium industry and to study how to optimise engineering surface coatings.

Read more about her research info plasma spray splat patterns.

Professor Margaret Hyland’s career

Professor Margaret Hyland, from the Engineering Department at the University of Auckland, originally trained as a research chemist. Working alongside an inspiring head of department precipitated a move into the chemical and materials engineering field. After a successful research programme in aluminium smelting, Margaret has now applied her considerable talent to research in the thermal plasma spray field.

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Most significantly, Margaret’s research into fluoride absorption was used by Comalco Aluminium (now Rio Tinto Alcan) as the basis for the design of their gas cleaning system, the Torbed Reactor. The research also forms the basis of an industry guide to minimise fluoride emissions.

Margaret knows the importance of keeping an open mind. She recounts an example to illustrate this. She was leading a research team, and an essential piece of analytical equipment failed. It was no easy fix, and this particular piece of equipment was unlikely to be usable for much of the year. As a result, Margaret and her team turned to different scientific techniques, which led to a whole new set of insights that would have taken them much longer to gain, if ever.

Try engineering

Professor Margaret Hyland, from the Engineering Department at the University of Auckland, “absolutely” recommends a career in engineering. Because engineers are well-trained thinkers that can help society, there is no reason why women should be put off from entering this field of work. Margaret firmly believes that engineering is definitely a profession for women.

Rights: © Copyright 2014. University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

It is that perspective that has guided Margaret throughout her career. She combines her personal and professional life, achieving her goals of being a mother, a researcher and a contributor to society.

Contributing to society

In June 2014 Margaret was appointed as the inaugral director of the Science for Technological Innovation (SfTI) National Science Challenge. The mission of the Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge is to enhance New Zealand’s capacity to use physical sciences and engineering for economic growth.

Professor Margaret Hyland was awarded the Pickering Medal in 2015 for her pioneering research to reduce fluoride emissions from the aluminium industry. She was the first woman to win this medal. The Pickering Medal recognises excellence in technology and is administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi. It is named for pioneering New Zealand rocket scientist Sir William (Bill) Pickering.

In early 2017 Margaret finished her leadership role of SfTI and took up the role of Chief Science Advisor for the New Zealand government organisation, the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). In her role for MBIE, "She is tasked with building on the existing strategic direction of the science system, with a particular eye on the capability of the sector and opportunities going forward. She plays a crucial role in ensuring that the sector’s expertise and intelligence are captured and communicated during the development of policy and investment plans".

In 2018 Margaret was selected as a Trustee of the RCW Eureka Trust Board. The Eureka! Trust aims to increase young New Zealanders interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In addition to this the Eureka! Trust seeks to foster young leaders who will help to bring about Sir Paul Callaghan's vision of making “New Zealand, the most beautiful, stimulating and exciting place in the world in which to live”.

At the end of July 2018 Professor Hyland took up the role of Vice-Provost (Research) at Victoria University of Wellington.

Nature of science

Some researchers working in the nature of science field have identified scientific habits of mind. One of these is open-mindedness, allowing the researcher to be receptive to new ideas. Margaret has found that, by applying an open-minded approach to her research work, new ideas, solutions and insights often emerge.

Additional useful links

To view video and learn more about Professor Hyland's work, go to this article on the Royal Society Te Apārangi website: 2015 Pickering Medal: Reducing emissions from aluminum production.

See Professor Hyland profile on the Victoria University of Wellignton's website.

This article was updated in 2018.

Published:29 April 2014