
Enviro-imprints – question bank

An inquiry approach is a method often used in science education. The question bank provides an initial list of questions about the impact we have on our enironment around us and places where their answers can be found.

The article Enviro-imprints – introduction has links to further resources and student activities.

Q. Why do scientists use a bioassay?

Q. What impacts do current farming methods have on our environment compared to those of the pre-European Māori?

Q. Why measure an animal’s response to pollution in its environment when you can measure the actual amount of pollution itself?

Q. Why is the acceptable level of a pollutant so much lower for a residential area than for a farming or industrial area?

Q. What is the difference between a bioassay, a bioindicator and a biomarker?

Q. Why do worms make a good biomarker for soil pollution?

Q. How do scientists know that their models are actually modelling what they think they are modelling?

Q. How do scientists calculate a health risk figure on the effects of pollution?

Q. How do politicians put a monetary figure on the detrimental effects of pollution?

Q. How does the weather affect the levels of pollutants in the air?

Q. How do the issues affecting water in New Zealand differ from those in Australia or in the third world?

Q. Why do scientists determine the amount of harmless bacteria rather than disease-causing organisms present in faecal matter?

Q. How would knitting a cotton fibre into the cloth of a T-shirt make it less biodegradable?

Published:25 June 2008