
An investigation of motion

This investigation gives students an opportunity to develop an understanding of speed and introduces acceleration. By measuring distance and time, they will calculate the speeds of moving objects. Students will also learn to convert from metres per second to kilometres per hour for everyday motion such as walking, running and riding a scooter, skateboard or bicycle. An understanding of speed provides a foundation for the concept of acceleration (changing speed) and ultimately the concept that a force is needed to change the speed of an object.

Two images: 50 Speed sign and red drag racing car on race track.

Speed and acceleration

Speed refers to the time taken to travel a particular distance. Acceleration is the change in speed over time.

IMAGE: Drag racing car, Joshua Rainey, 123RF Ltd.

Rights: Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao

In this investigation, students will measure distance and time to calculate speed and acceleration.

By the end of this investigation, students should be able to:

  • describe ways to measure the speed of an object

  • use a formula to measure average speed

  • estimate the speed of everyday motion

  • calculate the speed of everyday motion

  • distinguish between speed and acceleration

  • describe acceleration.

Download the Word file (see link below).

Related investigation

Put your skills to use with the activity Measuring the acceleration of gravity (g).

Published:20 February 2019