
How are satellites helping albatross?

The toroa/northern royal albatross is one of the largest seabirds in the world! They are referred to as graceful giants of the ocean, and with a wingspan of over 3 metres, it is easy to see why.

A toroa/northern royal albatross flying over ocean by coastline

The toroa/northern royal albatross

These large, graceful giants are the nomads of the Southern Ocean, spending much of their life soaring above and on the oceans.

Rights: Public domain

Toroa are of great significance to many iwi. The Moriori of the Chatham Islands called them hopo and would wear raukura (plumes) of the hopo as a way of showing their commitment as a people to their peaceful, non-violent ways of living.

Habitat and behaviour 

Toroa spend about 85% of their time on the Southern Ocean, only coming to land during breeding season. They usually mate for life and produce only one chick every 2 years. There are a few nesting sites located in the Chatham Islands and a small mainland colony near Dunedin at Taiaroa Head. The male will nest close to where he hatched and will prepare the nest site for his mate. Both males and females share the incubation over 11 weeks. A chick will take 3–6 days to fully hatch. Chicks are cared for by both parents closely for the first 6 weeks. After that, they are left unguarded, visited by parents for feeding until they are able to fledge the nest at about 8 months old.

When old enough and no longer being fed by its parents, a chick will spread its wings and wait for a gust of wind to carry it off across the ocean. It will spend the next few years feeding in the South American waters until it is ready to breed, which can be any time between 3 and 8 years. The life span of toroa is about 40 years. The oldest known breeding female was called Grandma. She nested at Taiaroa Head and raised her last chick at the age of 62.

Outside the breeding season, they are foragers, feeding on a selection of squid, fish and other crustaceans that they find close to the surface of the ocean. They can travel vast distances – 190,000 km per year is not uncommon.

Conservation status

The toroa is endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand. The Department of Conservatio n lists them as at risk – naturally uncommon. This means they are at risk of the population declining, they are a naturally small population and are more susceptible to harmful influences and events like habitat changes, heat , fly strike and disease. Another growing risk is consuming plastic in the ocean. This can have devastating impacts from the toroa mistaking plastic on the surface of the ocean as food. The species has a relatively slow population growth, and therefore population decline can have long-term impacts.

Impacts of plastic in the ocean

Impacts of plastic in the ocean

This image shows the devastating impacts of plastic in the ocean. This albatross has died as a result of mistaking plastic for food. One action we can all take is making sure all waste is recycled appropriately. Any rubbish that ends up on the ground will make its way into our awa, waterways and then eventually out to the ocean. Even if you think you are nowhere near the ocean – in Aotearoa, all drains lead to the sea.

Your actions can have an impact – good or bad. Which will you choose?

Rights: Chris Jordan (via U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters) / CC BY 2.0

Conservation efforts

Observation and monitoring of the toroa population is important to the success of any conservation efforts. Banding of toroa has been ongoing since the 1940s, and that has allowed data to be gathered about their behaviour and biology.

The breeding sites on isolated islands do not have any introduced predators. However, in 1985, there was a large storm that reduced vegetation and therefore the availability of nesting sites.

Both the island and mainland habitats have been through wet and dry cycles that have impacted population density . Hot spells create issues with the chicks overheating, and fly strike is a common issue. To protect the Taiaroa Head population, sprinklers have been installed to cool the site and cotton balls with peppermint essence are placed close to the nest to deter flies. Ongoing predator control has been essential to protecting the population’s nesting sites on the mainland.

The island populations are much harder to monitor. With new technology, tracking and monitoring populations has been more robust. Aerial photographs have been used for the mainland populations since 1937.

GPS has also been a useful tool to confirm toroa flight and feeding behaviour.

GPS map tracking of three adult Albatross over 4 months near NZ.

Albatross tracking

Using a GPS tag on individual birds tracks their movements. This helps scientists to better understand their behaviour. This image shows the GPS tracks of three adults over 4 months.

Adapted from Sugishita et al. 2015

Rights: Junichi Sugishita, University of Otago

New technology

As technology progresses, scientists are finding new ways to gather data, which is increasingly important for offshore populations. The Chatham Islands are very hard to access, and the sea stacks where the toroa nesting sites are located are high and surrounded by cliffs. In the past, these sites have only been able to be monitored very infrequently.

Using satellites like the WorldView-3 to gather data is a significant innovation for a wide range of scientific research. The WorldView-3 is a commercial satellite owned by DigitalGlobe. It operates 617 km above the Earth and is capable of collecting up to 680,000 km² of imaging data per day. This satellite uses a high-resolution camera and has the ability to capture full-colour imagery at 31 cm resolution.

The DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite.

WorldView-3 Satellite

The DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite was launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, USA, on an Atlas V rocket on 13 August 2014. Watch the launch here. This satellite is a multi-payload and has a mission life span of 7.25 years. It records high-resolution imaging and has the ability to capture imagery at 31 cm resolution.

Rights: Courtesy of ©Maxar Technologies. All copyrights reserved

The satellite imagery from WorldView-3 provides robust and regular data, which scientists use to accurately monitor the offshore toroa population. Regular monitoring will ensure any issues with the toroa population are identified and shifts in conservation efforts can be implemented.

Have a go at building a fit-for-purpose satellite that can monitor toroa/northern royal albatross populations! Choose the ‘Albatross monitoring’ scenario. When you’ve captured the high-resolution images, use this activity to analyse the data you’ve collected.

Build a satellite

This interactive simulation is designed to develop students’ understanding of satellites and their usefulness with real-life research in Aotearoa New Zealand. The simulation requires users to build their knowledge and understanding about the requirements of each mission along with the satellite components needed to successfully launch a satellite that is fit for the mission’s purpose.

The simulation has three missions:

  • Find dark vessels fishing illegally

  • Track an albatross population 

  • Monitor Earth movements 

At each stage, there is access to a help button and links to additional resources that will support student learning in order to make accurate decisions throughout the satellite build and launch.

Simulation instructions

Click and drag components onto the satellite outline. Components can be added and removed. You will need to select all of the essential components as well as choose the correct payload component for your mission. Choosing the wrong payload means your satellite will not be able to collect data. Hover your mouse or finger over and select the three dots on each component to find out more information about its purpose.

Select a suitable orbit for your satellite’s mission. Choosing the wrong orbit means your satellite won’t be able to collect data.

For optimal viewing, use landscape orientation when using a tablet or iPad.

This is a simulation, so please note there may be small inaccuracies and satellite components and orbits are not to scale.

See the activity Build a satellite for a mission for a mission for additional support in using this interactive simulation.

Related content

These resources provide helpful background information.

Read more about building satellites.

Discover more about using satellites to track: 

Activity ideas

Use the data the satellites collect during the simulation to analyse:

Consider doing the activity Interpreting observations from satellite images prior to these activities. It introduces strategies that are useful when interpreting satellite images.


This resource has been produced with funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the support of the New Zealand Space Agency.

Rights: Crown copyright

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the New Zealand Space Agency

The New Zealand Space Agency, part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, is the lead government agency for space policy, regulation and sector development.

Rights:  The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Related content

Find out more about the toroa/albatross in this article

Solander Island is home to albatross, and it’s a great example of why satellites may be the preferred option for species monitoring!

The New Zealand Subantarctic Islands group is another location many species of albatross use as breeding sites. A strict management plan restricts the number of people allowed ashore each year.

This albatross topic planner offers suggested pathways through some of the flight resources on the Science Learning Hub and connects to relevant programmes offered by the Royal Albatross Education Centre.

Related activities

Analysing satellite data for albatross research uses satellite imagery of a Chatham Islands breeding site. The activity is useful for building student competence with ‘Gather and interpret data’ and ‘Interpret representations’.

The interactive Wings for flight matches birds (including the albatross) and aircraft with similar flight capabilities.

Useful links

The Royal Albatross Centre has more information on the toroa/northern royal albatross.

The Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand have a tracking app. Visit their website to learn more about the app and to access their tracking data.


This resource has been produced with funding from the Ministry of Business, n and Employment and the support of the New Zealand Space Agency.

New Zealand Space Agency and MBIE logos.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the New Zealand Space Agency

The New Zealand Space Agency, part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation  and Employment, is the lead government agency for space policy, regulation and sector development.

Rights: Crown copyright
Published:25 July 2022