
Capturing space junk and bringing it back to Earth

This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0. It was written by Ralph Cooney, Professor Emeritus in Advanced Materials, University of Auckland and was originally titled Harpoons, robots and lasers: how to capture defunct satellites and other space junk and bring it back to Earth.

More than half of the thousands of satellites in orbit are now defunct, and this accumulation of floating space debris has been described as a “fatal problem” for current and future space missions and human space travel.

The Earth orbited by space junk.

The Earth surrounded by space junk

Different types and sizes of space debris orbit around Earth.

Rights: European Space Agency, CC BY-ND 4.0

An estimated 130 million objects smaller than 1 cm and 34,000 larger than 10 cm are travelling in orbit at speeds of thousands of kilometres per hour, according to the European Space Agency (ESA). A report presented at this year’s European conference on space debris suggests the amount of space junk could increase fifty-fold by 2100.

While many fragments of space junk are small, they travel so fast their impact has enough energy to disable a satellite or cause significant damage to space stations.

Both the Hubble Telescope and the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellites had coin-sized holes punched into them by flying debris and a mirror on Nasa’s James Webb space telescope was damaged by micrometeoroids.

Most satellites were not designed with the end of their usefulness in mind. About 60% of the 6,000 satellites in orbit are now out of order . Along with the smaller objects these defunct satellites constitute a major problem both for existing and future satellites and space stations.

Arch of a SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launch.

Falcon 9 rocket launch

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launches from the Space Force Station at Cape Canaveral in January 2022. This Starlink 4-6 mission delivered 49 satellites into orbit. 

Rights: Public Domain

Mega constellations of satellites currently being sent into space by corporations such as SpaceX and Amazon are expected to transform access to the internet for all countries. But these private telecommunications ventures will also contribute 50,000 more satellites to already dangerously populated orbits.

Scientists have warned the rapid development of mega constellations risks several “tragedies of the commons”, including to ground-based astronomy, Earth’s orbit and Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Methods to remove space debris

There is a growing concern, described as the Kessler Syndrome, that we may be creating an envelope of space debris which could prevent human space travel, space exploration and the use of satellites in some parts of Earth’s orbit. This scenario, perpetuated by collisions between space objects creating ever more debris, could also damage our global communications and navigation systems.

Using space – ethics and responsibilities

Professor David Noone is an atmospheric scientist at the University of Auckland. Dr Philipp Sueltrop is the Chief Technical Officer at Kea Aerospace. They discuss the ethics of keeping the space environment clean, and who is responsible.

Questions for discussion:

  • David compares the size of space with the Earth’s atmosphere. What does he mean by the statement, “Well we kind of thought the same thing about CO2”?

  • Philipp compares space to the oceans. What does he mean by his statement that no one feels responsible for it?

  • Who do you think should be responsible for what is put in space?


Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

This is why the development of practical debris removal technologies is important and urgent. So far, various strategies have been conceptualised to solve the space debris problem and some have been recently prioritised.

One of the main problems in designing space debris removal strategies is how to transfer the energy between the debris (target) and the chaser during the first contact. There are two prioritised approaches and a third in development:

  • Impact energy dissipation methods seek to decrease the impact energy of the debris. In one approach, the chaser satellite deploys a harpoon to penetrate the space debris. After the successful shot, the chaser satellite, harpoon and target would become connected by an elastic tether and the chaser would pull the debris to re-enter the atmosphere and burn up together.

  • Neutral energy balance includes a magnetic capture method which uses magnetic coils to achieve perfect energy balance between chaser and target. This is a soft docking method which is a preliminary step to some subsequent method of debris disposal.

  • Destructive energy absorption aims to destroy small debris targets using a high-powered laser. But the challenge is to develop a laser and battery combination that is powerful but lightweight enough. A laboratory in China has been developing a space-based laser system to be installed on a chaser satellite capable of targeting debris of up to 20 cm in size. The Nasa Orion project uses ground-based lasers to destroy small debris.

The first space removal project is scheduled for 2025 and will be led by the ESA. It involves a consortium approach based on a Swiss spinoff company, ClearSpace.

ClearSpace-1 capturing Vespa in Space.

ClearSpace-1 capturing space debris

The ClearSpace chaser is designed to use robotic arms to capture space debris. The plan for 2025 is that it will undertake its first active debris removal mission. ClearSpace-1 will rendezvous, capture and take down for re-entry the upper part of a Vespa (Vega Secondary Payload Adapter) from Europe's Vega launcher. 

Rights:  ESA, CC BY-ND 4.0 

The ClearSpace chaser will rendezvous with the target and capture it using four robotic arms. The chaser and captured launcher will then be deorbited and burn up in the atmosphere.

High cost and more pollution

A key challenge is the substantial cost associated with these proposed solutions, given the immense scale of the space debris problem. Another important aspect is the potential impact of space-clearing efforts on our planet’s atmosphere.

The idea that a growing number of satellites and other objects would be incinerated in the atmosphere as they are removed from space concerns climate scientists. Space debris is pulled downward naturally and burns up in the lower atmosphere, but increasing levels of carbon dioxide are reducing the density of the upper atmosphere, which could diminish its capacity to pull debris back towards Earth.

The combustion of more and more satellites and other space debris (80 tonnes per year at present) falling either naturally or via the new removal methods will also release decomposition products into the atmosphere.

These will certainly contribute more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The decomposition of certain materials in satellites is also likely to release chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases , which could damage the ozone shield.

One cannot miss the parallels between the space junk problem and waste recycling. Clearly, we need to devise a circular economy strategy for our space waste.

At present the legal responsibility for space debris lies with the country of origin. This seems to militate against future international cooperative programmes of space junk removal.

Related content

New Zealand has a growing presence in the space debris arena, both in the detection and avoidance of space junk and the future removal of it.

The article Space junk provides a historical look at this decades-old problem.

See our space junk Pinterest board – a curation of articles and resources on space junk and the work looking into solutions happening here in New Zealand.

Activity ideas

See if you have what it takes to clean up space – well, digital space – with the activity Making digital space debris clean-up games.

Useful links

Find out more about some of the research mentioned in this article:

ESA has made available all the conference and workshop papers from the 1st ESA NEO and Debris Detection Conference (2019), the s of European Conferences on Space Debris and also from International Workshops on Space Debris Re-entry.

John Staughton has written about How does space debris impact Earth’s environment and atmosphere? on the ScienceABC website.

Browse other related articles from The Conversation under their space debris topic.

The European Space Agency regularly updates its page on space debris by the numbers and for more resources, see their Space debris section.

See below links to various companies and organisations mentioned in the article that are looking into removing debris from the Earth's orbit.


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Published:11 October 2022