Future flight
In this activity, students explore how flight has developed over time with discussion about trends and future possibilities.
The Wright brothers’ plane
The Wright brothers are credited with the first real flight, which took place on 17 December 1903. Here, Orville is shown in a plane in 1904 where he covered a distance of approximately 1760 feet at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
explain in a general way the historical development of flight and the present situation
describe the trends and drivers for this development
present a group project depicting ideas for possible future flight.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
student worksheet.
Useful links
In 2010, NASA awarded contracts to three teams to study advanced concept designs for aircraft that could take to the skies in the year 2025.