
Replicating biomineralisation in the lab

Professor Kate McGrath’s team of researchers at the MacDiarmid Institute are trying to replicate the way in which pāua (Haliotis iris) lay down their shell material. Pāua shell is an arrangement of calcium carbonate crystal forms and organic macromolecules such as proteins, lipids and polysaccharides. It is the high strength, resistance to fracture and aesthetic value of these natural materials that has prompted scientists to try to replicate natural shell growth in the laboratory. The long-term goal of such research is to develop materials that might find application in such diverse areas as human health, electronics and non-hydrocarbon-based plastics.

Professor Kathryn McGrath in her office working on a computer.

Professor Kathryn McGrath in her office

One of Professor Kathryn McGrath’s research interests involves trying to mimic pāua shell biomineralisation processes. New materials with potential medical uses could be the end point of such research.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Getting a material that is comparable to the natural biomineral does not necessarily involve attempting to produce it the same way that a biological organism does. It is thought that, with an actual biological organism, the proteins and carbohydrates are being synthesised simultaneously with the mineralisation process. To replicate that extremely complex system in the lab is not possible at this point in time. However, it is possible to utilise other techniques and other scientific knowledge and apply these. The outcome will not be identical but will capture the essential elements of the natural system.

Chitin to chitosan

In pāua shell nacre (also known as mother of pearl), the major organic material is a type of carbohydrate called chitin, and this is the starting point in the replication process. Chitin is not very soluble in water, and in order to improve this, it is converted to chitosan via a simple chemical reaction that simply modifies the chitin structure.

Lab biomineralisation 1

To make a material comparable to a natural biomineral involves using known techniques and procedures that hope to capture the essential elements of the natural system. In this video clip, Professor Kate McGrath, Director of the MacDiarmid Institute, explains how a hydrogel based on chitin is used as the framework upon which calcium carbonate mineralisation can be induced. 

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

By carefully dissolving the chitosan in water, a jelly-like material forms, creating the framework that can support the mineralisation process. The structure of this jelly-like material, a type of hydrogel, can be likened to a household sponge with lots of pores and holes within a continuous solid system.

Soaking the hydrogel

By firstly soaking the hydrogel in an acidic solution of calcium ions and then in a solution of carbonate ions, precipitation of calcium carbonate can be initiated within the hydrogel matrix.

Lab biomineralisation 2

Carefully controlling the pH of the hydrogel and soaking it in solutions containing calcium and carbonate ions can initiate the mineralisation process. Professor Kate McGrath, of the MacDiarmid Institute, describes this lab procedure. It is now possible to manipulate when crystallisation occurs, how much occurs and what shape the crystals will take up.

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The addition of polyacrylic acid (PAA) to the system, in an attempt to replicate the presence of proteins that are in the native system, can greatly aid this precipitation process. Careful control of all of the soaking steps and the PAA addition allows manipulation of when and how much crystallisation occurs.

Structural analysis of the precipitate

In order to establish how this artificially formed material compares with the natural material, a series of physical analysis procedures need to be performed. First, the actual structure of the system is determined using a scanning electron microscope. This allows for analysis at the nanometer scale range and gives the researchers a good look at what has been precipitated.

Lab biomineralisation 3

How does the final product compare with biological nacre, and what characteristics does it have? To answer these questions, three main techniques for the structural identification of the final product from the lab mineralisation process are used. Professor Kate McGrath, director of the MacDiarmid Institute, explains each of these techniques. 

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

Calcium carbonate has several crystalline forms, known as polymorphs, and two of them, calcite and aragonite, are found in pāua shell. Depending on the starting conditions, the calcium carbonate generally precipitates out as either calcite or aragonite. Calcite is the default form but aragonite is the one that, in nature, gives the nacre its strength and toughness. It is of interest, then, to establish which of the polymorphs is present, and this is achieved by using an analysis technique known as micro-Raman spectroscopy. This allows a particular crystal in the nanometre range to be probed and identified.

Finally, the sample is analysed using X-ray diffraction to confirm the presence of calcite and/or aragonite as well as their relative amounts.

Results to date

Results to date have been promising, and planning for the next phase is well advanced – this involves precipitating a form of calcium phosphate similar to that found in human bone and teeth. The end result of this type of research could well be the production of biocompatible hydrogels that can be mineralised when placed in the body to assist in the repair of bone and teeth.

Nature of science

Science is a blend of logic and imagination. These two principles are very much at play when it comes to developing systems and processes that attempt to mimic pāua shell biomineralisation.

Related content

Biomineralisation refers to the processes by which living things form minerals. For example, calcium carbonate biomineralisation is used extensively by marine invertebrates to build structures that give support and protection.

How calcium carbonate is precipitated during seashell formation is well understood. However, trying to replicate that process in the lab requires a different approach. One way, using chitin hydrogels, is showing promise – explore this further in the article Hydrogel biomineralisation

Useful link

Curiousity Stream has a clear explanation of How shells are made.

Published:21 September 2012