Observing harakeke
In this activity, students discuss the importance of observation in science. They are given the opportunity to observe harakeke and record their observations. It is important to seek knowledge and understanding from your local iwi about the correct protocols and tikanga around harvesting and using harakeke.

Extracting flax fibres
The traditional technique of extracting flax fibres from a leaf with a mussel shell.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
appreciate the importance of careful observation (the act of noting and recording something) rather than merely looking
explain why good observation skills are important for scientists
discuss important features of one of our native harakeke species and make inferences from their observations and background knowledge.
Nature of science
This activity encourages schools to work together with local iwi to share and develop understanding and knowledge about harakeke. Students’ skills related to the Nature of Science aims of investigating in science and participating and contributing could be effectively developed through this activity.
Download the Word file for:
introduction/background notes
instructions on what you need and what to do
discussion questions
ideas for extending your students
Extracting fibre from harakeke image.
Related content
These videos below describe the types of harakeke and its traditional and industrial uses.