
Types of volcanic rock

Rocks are not all the same. Some are heavy, some are light. Others are dark, while some can be almost pure white. Even igneous rocks that are all formed from magma in the Earth’s mantle can look very different.

Differences in rocks

Professor Richard Price introduces some of the common types of volcanic rocks and talks about how they are used to study volcanoes.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Igneous rocks

Rocks are broadly classified into three groups – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed from magma in the Earth’s mantle. They generally don’t contain fossils, don’t react with acids, don’t usually contain obvious layers, can be made of different minerals, sometimes have holes or bubbles and may be glassy in appearance. Volcanologists look for these igneous rocks so that they can learn more about where these rocks have come from and whether they were formed during a volcanic eruption.

Geologists use the visual appearance of the rock as an initial clue to its composition but will then verify their ideas using specialised techniques. For example, scientists at The University of Auckland use an electron microprobe to measure the exact quantities of silica, iron, magnesium and many other chemicals that are in rock samples they collect. This information helps them to classify the rock and may give them direct clues about the volcano and the eruption that formed the rock.

Nature of science

Classification helps scientists organise things into groups. In rock classification, such grouping can help geologists see patterns and perhaps explain the reasons for rocks looking similar.

Lava solidifies to rock

New Zealand has three main types of volcanoes, and each has been formed from a different type of magma. Once the lava has erupted, it cools and solidifies into rock:

  • Basalt magma often forms shield volcanoes.

  • Andesite magma often forms cone volcanoes.

  • Rhyolite magma often forms calderas. Depending on how much gas the magma contains, it can also form cone volcanoes.


The Earth’s crust is mainly basalt rock. It is a heavy, dark, grainy rock. Basalt is associated with great rock columns that are found in many places around the Earth, for example, the Organ Pipes in Dunedin or the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland.

Columnar basalt rock columns, Organ Pipes near Mt Cargill, NZ.

Columnar basalt

Basalt is associated with great rock columns that are found in many places around the Earth, such as the Organ Pipes near Mt Cargill, Dunedin.

Rights: Peter MacMurchy

Basalt magma is formed at high temperatures (around 1,200ºC). When it comes out of the volcano, it is hot and liquid. It contains very little silica (less than 50%) and a lot of magnesium and iron, which makes the rock look dark.

The Auckland volcanic field has erupted this type of hot, runny iron-rich lava, and the landscape is dotted with mountains made from basalt and scoria (a red-coloured rock that contains large amounts of iron-rich minerals). Both rock types are excavated for building materials and landscaping.


Andesites are lighter coloured than basalt because they contain less iron and more silica (50–60%). Some scoria rocks fall within the andesite classification because of their chemical composition.

Lump of andesite rock from the central North Island New Zealand.


This andesite rock is from the central North Island of New Zealand.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Magma that contains andesite is generally around 800–1,000ºC and forms steep-sided cone volcanoes (stratovolcanoes). Mount Ngāuruhoe is an example of an andesite volcano.


Rhyolite is light-coloured or white – this is a clue that the rock contains a lot of silica (more than 70%) and not much iron or magnesium.

Pumice, a rhyolite rock.


Pumice, a rhyolite, is very common in the central North Island. It may still have evidence of the bubbles of gas trapped as the rock solidified.

Rights: Hannes GrobeCreative Commons 2.5

Rhyolitic magmas are associated with low temperatures (750–850ºC) and are often thick, which means gases can’t escape. Some rhyolitic rocks are quite light, for example, pumice, which may still have evidence of the bubbles of gas trapped as the rock solidified.

Related content

Read about the different types of volcanoes.

In Reading rock core samples, discover how this can help us about learn about the history of volcanic eruptions in Auckland. The layers of rock tell a story of eruptions up to 60,000 years ago.

Magma Pop – gamifying volcano geology introduces a virtual game, which is a simple visual representation of a magma chamber. This activity supports students to use the game to group elements in a magma chamber to form common minerals and observe processes that happen in the magma chamber.

The Taupō Volcanic Zone is one of New Zealand’s most active volcanic regions, which has impacted much of the country.

The Earth is an active planet and many of its processes contribute to the rock cycle, which makes and changes rocks on or below the Earth's surface.

Activity ideas

In the activity, Identifying volcanic rocks students watch a video describing different types of volcanic rocks and then match the chemical composition and type of volcanic eruption each rock is associated with.

Making lava fudge is a fun way to help students to learn about the different proportions of minerals in basalt, andesite and rhyolite rocks.

In the activity, Lost – a hot rock, students examine an igneous rock and synthesise these observations into a poster that includes characteristic features of igneous rocks.

In this activity, students grow crystals, learn that they are formed when solutions cool and study their characteristics (regular shape and lustre).

Published:09 April 2010