Associate Professor Phil Shane
Position: Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Environment, University of Auckland.
Fields: Volcanoes, volcano hazards, petrology, geochemistry.
Dr Phil Shane has a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington, and was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto.

Dr Phil Shane.
Dr Phil Shane studies the geology of volcanic regions. He is currently investigating both the history of the Okataina volcanic centre and the eruptive history of the basaltic Auckland volcanic field.
After moving to The University of Auckland, his studies have focused on the geology of volcanic regions. He has investigated the history of the Okataina volcanic centre in the central North Island. This involved studying the chemistry and isotope composition of minerals to assess the longevity of rhyolite magmas and to determine the mechanisms that cause them to erupt.

Dr Phil Shane
Senior Lecturer Dr Phil Shane works with Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer, a PhD student. Aleksandra is using an electron microprobe at The University of Auckland School of Environment to determine the chemical make-up of rock samples.
The eruptive history of the basaltic Auckland volcanic field using tephra layers in ancient lake sediments is also an area of investigation. The purpose of that study is to assess past frequency and magnitude of eruptions for hazard analysis.
Phil was the Vice-president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) International Focus Group on Tephrochronology and Volcanism.
Explaining a rock core
Dr Phil Shane takes us through a rock core – a sample of rock going back tens of thousands of years that details events such as volcanic eruptions.
Phil's current research focuses on the eruption histories of volcanoes and the assembly and rise of magmas.
This article is based on information current in 2010 and updated in 2023.
Useful link
See Phil's profile on the University of Auckland website.