
Home disaster kit

In this activity, students select items to include in a home disaster kit in case of emergency and calculate how much food and water they will need to include in a disaster kit for their family.

Disaster kit with some  items that you will need in an emergency

Large emergency kit

This disaster kit has some of the items that you will need in an emergency as recommended by Civil Defence. Remember that each household needs to have enough supplies to last for 3 days.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

By the end of this activity, students should understand:

  • that everyone faces danger from natural disasters

  • that we can help reduce the impact of a disaster by being prepared

  • the contents of a basic emergency kit

  • what sort of items should not be included in an emergency kit and why

  • where to find out information about emergencies and being prepared.

Download the Word file (see link below) for:

  • introduction/background notes

  • instructions on what you need and what to do

  • discussion questions

  • extension activities

  • student worksheets.

Related content

The PLD article Children making evidence-based decisions about volcanic risk details how students were able to use science knowledge to make decisions and take action to plan for natural disaster emergencies.

Activity ideas

Discover how scientists and others help us stay safe in these shaky isles with the activities Watching Rangitoto erupt and Who's on your team?

Useful link

The National Emergency Management Agency provides leadership in reducing risk, being ready for, responding to and recovering from emergencies, see the New Zealand civil defence website in an emergency.

Published:09 April 2010