
Dr Phil Sutton

Position: Physical oceanographer, NIWA and Argo project. Field: Physical ocean processes.

Dr Phil Sutton started off studying physics at Auckland University. When it came time to specialise, he was drawn to geophysics. This uses the principles of physics to study the Earth, including the ocean and atmosphere.

Physical oceanographer, Dr Phil Sutton, NIWA Wellington.

Dr Phil Sutton

Physical oceanographer, NIWA Wellington.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Looking for a PhD topic that would combine geophysics with his love of sailing, Phil went to San Diego and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This is part of the University of California and one of the foremost oceanography labs in the United States. His PhD supervisor, Dean Roemmich, was one of the main scientists involved with the then new Argo project, so it was natural that Phil got involved too. He was sometimes able to get trips back to New Zealand by working his passage on ships deploying Argo scientific floats.

Dr Phil Sutton is using a salinometer in the lab.

Dr Phil Sutton in the lab

Dr Phil Sutton is using a salinometer, which calculates the amount of salt in water by measuring electrical conductivity. Salt makes electricity flow more easily through water – if you know the conductivity, you can calculate the salinity.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Phil is now a physical oceanographer at NIWA – he studies the physical properties and processes of the ocean. Phil has made the most of his contacts around the world to remain heavily involved with the Argo project – mostly interpreting data, but also occasionally preparing and deploying floats. The real-time data from the Argo floats, freely available on the internet, means that Phil can follow a wide range of research interests. As well as studying global currents and climate, Phil has done smaller-scale research. This has included looking at the effect of currents and temperature on orange roughy stocks near New Zealand and how a shark that travelled from near South Africa across to Australia might have used ocean currents.

I haven't been to sea for the last few years so I'm missing it a bit. Going to sea is certainly an adventure and is an appealing part of it, but it can wear a bit thin after a while actually.

Did he get the sailing he wanted in San Diego? He certainly did, crewing on some amazing yachts. He does still get the occasional taste of the sea with research voyages on vessels such as the Kaharoa and Tangaroa.

Dr Phil Sutton by docked Research ship Kaharoa

Dr Phil Sutton by RV Kaharoa

Phil goes out on the Kaharoa when it deploys Argo scientific floats around the world’s oceans.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Mostly, he’s happy for others to do the long voyages – crossing the ocean to Africa or South America in a 28 m long ship can be rough. Between periods of float deployment and research, there’s not much to do – Phil mainly reads books, but others watch movies or listen to music. You need to get on really well with the rest of the 5-person crew too.

Useful link

Visit the website of the Argo project to see latest float information, resources, videos, including and an animation showing what the floats do.

Read about the work NIWA does with the Argo programme on their website.

This article is based on information current in 2010 and 2018.

Published:22 June 2010