Investigating soil moisture content
In this activity, students find the moisture content of a soil sample and compare it to soil samples from different locations around the school. You can record your data and share it on a soil moisture database – use the form at the bottom of this page.
Investigating soil moisture content equipment
This is some of the equipment you will need for the Investigating soil moisture content student activity.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
observe similarities and differences among soil samples
measure and record changes in soil moisture content
use a simple formula to determine soil moisture content
upload the data to a soil moisture database (optional).
Download the Word file (see link at the bottom of the page) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
extension ideas
student handout.
Record your data on this data collecting form below, and view the . Let's see how much soil moisture data we can collect.
Measuring soil moisture – data collection form
Use this form to record your soil moisture data.
Related activity
The activity, Using soil moisture maps, provides the opportunity to use soil maps as evidence to support and/or critique student data. The soil moisture maps also provide practice with interpreting representations. Both activities have links to real-life contexts, making them ideal for the Engage with science capability.
Related content
Explore some of the important science ideas and concepts around soil with these articles:
Useful link
NASA's Eyes on the Earth site shows the positions of their Earth observation satellites. Use the tabs at the bottom of the page to filter for soil moisture, greenhouse gases and other measurements.