Drama in the microworld
In this activity, students use drama to model science ideas about atoms and molecules, transferring heat and the process of combustion.
Particles in collision
Tiny particles in solids, liquids and gases are always in motion. It is the motion of particles that creates a form of energy called thermal (heat) energy that is present in all matter.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
appreciate that everything is made up of very small particles
understand why scientists use models to explain ideas
understand differences in structure of a gas, liquid and solid in terms of particles
understand how particles respond to heat
understand how heat transfer occurs
understand that, in a chemical reaction, a rearrangement of particles occurs
develop an understanding about a combustion reaction, specifically in the combustion of methane gas.
Nature of science
Things in the microworld are so small that scientists can’t see them. Because of this, they develop different sorts of models to make it easier for them to see how these tiny particles might function.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do.
Related content
Explore some of the big science ideas and concepts behind this activity with these articles:
Also see Alternative conceptions about fire.
Learn more about the power of drama our recorded webinar Understanding science through drama with Dr Carrie Swanson.