Teacher PLD

H₂0 on the go – unit plan

About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by water. It is found just about everywhere and is the only naturally occurring substance on Earth existing in solid, liquid and gas states. Water is universally used as a solvent and sustains life.

Macro close up of a water splash.

Water can be a solid, liquid or gas. Water is all around us and is necessary for life.

Rights: Ivan Mikhaylov, licenced through 123RF Ltd.

It is critical that students have an understanding of this important molecule, its uses and reasons we must conserve such a valuable resource.

Our water resources assist teachers to get across a number of important science ideas to their students. See below to download a unit plan.

The learning outcomes of this teacher resource are that students will:

  • have an appreciation of the global, dynamic and complex nature of the water cycle

  • be able to explain the important role water plays in the Earth’s weather systems

  • understand the impact of human activities on the functioning of the water cycle

  • have an appreciation of exactly what water quality is and how the human population can have a positive or negative impact on it.

Students will meet these learning objectives by:

  • learning about precipitation and cloud formation

  • building a water cycle to visually show precipitation and evaporation

  • understanding that the water cycle is just one of the Earth’s interacting systems

  • exploring factors (such as gravity and erosion) that have an impact on soil run-off and ground stability

  • learning what an aquifer is and the effect of pollution on these structures.

Published:09 November 2010