Watching the Weather is a Connected journal that explores multiple aspects of weather in New Zealand. In addition to weather, the issue has a focus on...
The ‘Buzz of bees’ is a Connected journal devoted entirely to bees. Each article has diagrams and illustrations that offer opportunities for students to develop the...
This article tells how Grace uses diagrams, photographs, tables, graphs, infographics and clear science writing to present data for a science fair project. The article is...
This article documents the history of the electric car – first developed in 1890, and uses diagrams and text to explain the technology electric cars and...
This article tells the story of how students at Fernridge School created a digital light display for Matariki using Raspberry Pi computers. Find out how the...
Meet geologists James Goff and Scott Nichol as they investigate how ocean pebbles ended up on clifftops in Northland. What was it that caused the sudden...
Using the huge 2019 Nelson wildfire as a starter, this Connected article explores wildfires, focussing on: what wildfires are their causes how they affect us how...
This article explores the role of observation in weather prediction. It provides several examples of natural patterns and how they help to predict or explain the...
Join Nancy Bertler, a glaciologist who collects ice cores, to learn how the Earth’s climate has changed over time. This information helps her and other scientists...
On the islands of Sāmoa, the effects of climate change are being felt. Tsunamis, cyclones and sea level rise are some of the natural hazards villages...
This article defines misinformation, malinformation and disinformation – how they are used in online media, with examples of each. It also delves into the human brain...
This article recounts the conversation between Tane, his dad and the scientists they find testing the health of their local river. It looks at the information...
Join the students of the Kids Restore the Kepler project as they work together to complete their mission: to bring birdsong back to the Kepler Track....
This Connected article describes the processes and practices used when planning, designing and building a large indoor sports centre. It outlines the science and technology behind...
This article explores the ways in which data can be sorted and displayed, and how data may be used for making predictions. It uses a parent’s...
In the Connected article Catch my drift, students learn about phytoplankton – tiny floating organisms that form the base of the marine food web. The article...
Dr Rangi Te Kanawa is a textile conservator at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. She uses her knowledge of traditional dyeing practices, science...
This article uses a citizen science project carried out by three schools on Aotea Great Barrier Island as the context to explore marine debris and the...
This Connected article features three examples of how drones are used in industries: protecting black rhinos from poachers in South Africa mappings mines in Australia to...
This Connected article by Priscilla Wehi and Hemi Whaanga explores how early Māori named and grouped the plants and animals they found around them. Discover what...
This article provides an overview of sound. It gives a brief summary of the following topics: characteristics of sound waves how the human ear works hearing...
Climate change is a complex topic, and this article breaks key aspects down into accessible, bite-sized sections. It concisely explains some of the science ideas associated...
This Connected article by Sophie Fern explores how the Balaclava School gardening club investigated where was the best place to grow vegetables over Dunedin’s cold winter...
This article explores the aerodynamics of cycling and the steps cyclists can take to minimise pressure drag and friction drag. It tells the story of a...
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