Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Floating and sinking
Floating and sinking provides opportunities for students to observe how everyday objects behave in water and to investigate the factors that determine whether an object will...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Rubbish
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about rubbish, how we identify and classify it. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: The air around us
Air is the medium in which we live. A good understanding of the nature and properties of this substance will help students when they come to...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Tidal communities
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about the interrelationships and food webs in tidal communities. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Exploring sound
Use music to engage students in learning the science concepts of sound in a fun and meaningful way. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Life between the tides
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about life between the tides. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts (BSC) series presents...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Birds
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about birds and their structure, function and adaptations. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Shadows
Several basic science concepts are needed to understand shadows. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts (BSC) series presents sets of interlinking concepts that...
Teacher PLD
New Zealand Garden Bird Survey – a context for learning
Aotearoa New Zealand is famous for its quirky native birds. Ngā manu, their unique adaptations and the threats they face are common classroom topics. But what...
Teacher PLD
Physical World – Sound
Below are links to Science Learning Hub resources related to sound in the Physical World strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. Exploring sound – resources for...
Rubbish: how do we deal with it?
The concepts listed just above the overarching concepts reflect learning at New Zealand Curriculum level 1 and show how they may build in sequence. The overarching...
Teacher PLD
Strengthening science learning
In 2021, Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga Education Review Office released a series of reports with suggestions on how to strengthen science learning in ECE and years...
The air around us
The concepts listed just above the overarching concepts reflect learning at New Zealand Curriculum level 1 and show how they may build in sequence to level...
Teacher PLD
Science topics and science concepts
The Science Learning Hub has over 11,000 resources on the site. They’ve been curated in topics and concepts. Topics and concepts explained Science topics are themes...
Tidal communities
The concepts listed just above the overarching concepts reflect learning at New Zealand Curriculum level 2 and show how they may build in sequence to level...
Exploring sound
This interactive explores the sequential and interlinking concepts that underpin knowledge about sound, sound waves and music. Click on the green labels for background information and...
Life between the tides
The concepts listed just above the overarching concepts reflect learning at New Zealand Curriculum level 1 and show how they may build in sequence to levels...
Birds: Structure, function and adaptation
This interactive explores the sequential and interlinking science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about birds’ physical features, their functions and how they help birds with...
Teacher PLD
Sounds of Aotearoa
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and educators from the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE) explore fun ways you can learn...
Shadows: Effects of the absence of light
Click on the green labels for background information and links to supporting articles, media and student activities. The concepts listed just above the overarching concepts reflect...
Planning pathways – thinking about plastic
This interactive diagram provides a selection of pathways that allow for differing approaches and starting points using resources about plastics – their usefulness, the problems they...
Teacher PLD
Alternative conceptions about light and shadows
Children naturally and instinctively develop their own ideas about how things work. These self-developed concepts make sense to the individual but may be scientifically inaccurate. It...
Teacher PLD
Seaweek resources
Seaweek is New Zealand’s annual national week about the sea. It is coordinated by the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre (MERC) and includes...
Teacher PLD
Physical World – forces
Are you looking for ways to teach forces? If you’re new to the Science Learning Hub, you may want to start with our introductory video on...