Animals of Aotearoa
This is an edited recording of the webinar Animals of Aotearoa null
Toroa – a majestic bird of the skies
The toroa is a majestic bird with a large wingspan and distinct colouration. It spends most of its life flying over and floating on the ocean...
Becoming a Tohunga Whakairo
In times past, young children were closely observed and nurtured by an entire iwi, particularly kaumātua. They believed each and every member of the iwi possessed...
Designs and symbols from the taiao
In the early 1800s, detailed art forms had emerged that reflected the local fauna, flora and climate of Aotearoa. In this video, we learn about specific...
Whakapapa of stone
All species are related through whakapapa or kinship relationships. In Māori creation stories, everything in the universe is related back to Ranginui, the sky father, and...
The whakapapa of trees
Matua Wiremu Puke (Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāpuhi) shares mātauranga whakairo (carving knowledge) with tauira. In this video, we hear about the importance for...
Observology for the classroom
This is an edited recording of the webinar Observology for the classroom. null
Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science – Part 5
This is part 5 of the edited recording of the webinar Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science. null
Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science – Part 4
This is part 4 of the edited recording of the webinar Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science. null
Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science – Part 3
This is part 3 of the edited recording of the webinar Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science. null
Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science – Part 2
This is part 2 of the edited recording of the webinar Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science. null
Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science – Part 1
This is part 1 of the edited recording of the webinar Learning benefits of a knowledge systems approach to science. null
Leaft Foods
New Zealand company Leaft Foods has developed technology to extract rubisco, a high-value protein found in leafy greens. The company is scaling up the technology while...
Fun and safety with primary science
This is an edited recording of the webinar Fun and safety with primary science. null
Tinirau and the Whale
This pūrākau tells of the Chief Tinirau who avenges the death and slaughter of his pet whale Tutunui. An honoured guest is gifted a taonga from...
Modelling a tsunami
A stratocone volcano is a steep pointy volcano. If the magma chamber within the volcano grows, it can make the volcano unstable and cause it to...
Science for communities with ESR
This is an edited recording of the webinar Science for communities with ESR. Krisitin Dyet, microbiologist with ESR, discusses her role and the importance of AMR...
AI – ethical and regulatory concerns
Artificial intelligence (AI) comes with a wealth of possibilities – and many ethical concerns. Dr Amanda Williamson (University of Waikato and Deloitte) and Professor Nick Ag...
ChatGPT, AI and Māori data sovereignty
Associate Professor Te Taka Keegan (Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whakaue) is a computer scientist and Māori language advocate at the University of Waikato. He talks about...
Limitations of AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) can do things that not long ago would have seemed like miracles or science fiction. Dr Amanda Williamson, Senior Lecturer in Innovation and...
Robotic machines versus human workers
Machines doing jobs once done by humans is nothing new, explains Professor Mike Duke from the School of Engineering Teaching and Research at the University of...
Environmental impacts of AI
It’s easy to forget that, for every online task that makes our lives easier, there’s a cost in terms of energy used and carbon released into...
The science of superbugs
This is an edited recording of the webinar The science of superbugs. null
Simulated huia call
The call of the extinct huia bird recreated in a 1949 recording of Hēnare Hāmana’s imitation huia call. null