Teacher PLD
Alternative conceptions about light and shadows
Children naturally and instinctively develop their own ideas about how things work. These self-developed concepts make sense to the individual but may be scientifically inaccurate. It...
Alternative conceptions about fossil fuels
Alternative conceptions about soil
Alternative conceptions about fire
Alternative conceptions about water's states of matter
Alternative conceptions about the nature of science
Alternative conceptions about gravity
Alternative conceptions about genetics
Alternative conceptions about light
Alternative conceptions about soil
Students do not arrive in the classroom as blank slates. They’ve been exposed to the world around them and may have created their own explanations for...
Alternative conceptions about water’s states of matter
Students do not arrive in the classroom as "blank slates". They have diverse experiences of the world around them and often have created their own explanations...
Alternative conceptions about gravity
Educational research has shown that students develop intuitive ideas and beliefs about natural phenomena. As students learn more about their physical environment, they tend to interpret...
Alternative conceptions about light
This article introduces common student alternative conceptions about light based on education research. It is important that teachers are aware of these during a sequence of...
Alternative conceptions about the nature of science
These are some common misunderstandings about the nature of science – held by students and adults alike. Take any opportunity you can to address these misconceptions...
Alternative conceptions about genetics
These are some common student misunderstandings about genetics based on education research. Keep them in mind while teaching – and address them as they come up....
Alternative conceptions about energy
Our use of language in everyday life is often quite different to the language of scientists. This can sometimes be confusing because what scientists mean and...
Alternative conceptions about fire
These are some common misunderstandings about fire. They acknowledge that children have made reasonable sense of the ideas based on their experience and should be validated...
Alternative conceptions about fossil fuels
In this activity, students answer a short multichoice survey to identify and address common alternative conceptions about fossil fuels. By the end of this activity, students...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Floating and sinking
Floating and sinking provides opportunities for students to observe how everyday objects behave in water and to investigate the factors that determine whether an object will...
Will this float or sink? – graphic organiser
Use this interactive to explore students’ experiences with items that float or sink, to engage with student thinking and discussion and to highlight potential alternative conceptions....
Waipunarangi – rains, frosts and climate
Waipunarangi is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected to the rains and other atmospheric conditions. Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ministry for the...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Rubbish
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about rubbish, how we identify and classify it. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts...
Determining the properties of plastic and glass
This activity supports students to use their senses to closely observe and identify a range of properties in order to classify items for different purposes. The...
Teacher PLD
Strengthening science learning
In 2021, Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga Education Review Office released a series of reports with suggestions on how to strengthen science learning in ECE and years...