Predator Free 2050 vision
The New Zealand Government has a vision of becoming predator-free by 2050. The Department of Conservation (DOC) and other organisations are working together to realise this...
Is poisoning pests the Māori way?
Some of those opposed to the use of 1080 poison to control pests say it’s ‘un-Māori’. Tame Malcolm unpacks these claims, arguing that to the contrary,...
Citizen science
The free Find-A-Pest app makes it easy to report and identify possible pest species. Wherever you are, you can help protect Aotearoa New Zealand’s primary industries...
Scientists using ‘fake news’ to stop predators killing endangered birds
Scientists used ‘fake news’ to stop predators killing endangered shorebirds — and the result was remarkable. This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative...
City of bugs
In 2019, students from three Dunedin primary schools teamed up with University Otago scientist Dr Cynthia Winkworth to complete two goals: to discover which invertebrates were...
Teacher PLD
Nature – a context for learning
Conservation is about our natural environment and the plants, animals and birds that live in our very own backyards, school playgrounds, local parks and reserves. Nature...
Pest Free Tawa – unit plan
This unit plan shows how teacher Carol Brieseman used the online citizen science (OCS) project Identify New Zealand Animals to offer her students another way of...
Creating connections with nature
Most New Zealanders live in urban areas and are getting fewer opportunities to engage with nature. In this story, we meet researcher Dr Danielle Shanahan who...
Living with nature in an urban world
As urban populations increase, native species in urban areas are increasingly affected by human-led pollution, urbanisation and the impacts of climate change. In this story, we...
Conservation of our native bats – pekapeka
New Zealand bats are fully protected by the Wildlife Act 1953, and their habitats are also protected by the Resource Management Act 1991. There are a...
New Zealand bats – pekapeka
Bats are found throughout the world, except in areas of extreme cold. New Zealand has three species of endemic bats – the long-tailed bat, the lesser...
Teacher PLD
Conservation resources – planning pathways
Aotearoa New Zealand is an unusual place. Its millions of years of isolation allowed life to evolve in a unique environment. As a result, significant numbers...
Planning pathways using conservation resources
This interactive diagram provides a selection of pathways that allow for differing approaches and starting points using some of our conservation resources. The aim is to...
Kererū – our native pigeon
The kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae), also called kūkū, kūkupa, wood pigeon or simply New Zealand pigeon, is endemic and one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most valuable assets...
Threats to takahē
Takahē are one of New Zealand’s conservation success stories. Their conservation status has moved from extinct to nationally vulnerable in the 70 years since they were...
The takahē’s evolutionary history
Scientifically, takahē have been something of a mystery. For several decades, it was assumed that takahē were extinct in both the North and South Islands –...
Bringing back the birdsong
Join the students of the Kids Restore the Kepler project as they work together to complete their mission: to bring birdsong back to the Kepler Track....
1080 – a wicked problem
Aotearoa New Zealand faces a wicked problem – do we kill introduced pests or do we allow them to kill our native animals, damage our forests...
Weasel incursion in an ecosantuary
At the start of October 2018, Wellington ecosanctuary ZEALANDIA received bad news – there was evidence of a weasel in the valley within the protective pest...
Invasive animals in cities
Predation from invasive mammals poses the single largest threat for the viability of native species in New Zealand, including many of our charismatic birds. To protect...
Teacher PLD
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation share their excitement about environmental...
Teacher PLD
Pest detectives
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Adrienne De Melo and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation share...
Teacher PLD
The Hub and social media: How can we help?
Science is dynamic, collaborative and constantly evolving – what was a promising hypothesis last month isn’t even in the ballpark this month – so here at...
Whio – threats and conservation
Whio/blue ducks were once commonly found on rivers and streams throughout mainland New Zealand. However, the populations are now severely restricted and isolated from each other....