A year on, we know why the Tongan eruption was so violent
Explore the impact that the huge Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption in January 2022 has had on volcanologists theories on volcanoes. The article below has been republished...
Teacher PLD
Physical World – Sound
Below are links to Science Learning Hub resources related to sound in the Physical World strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. Exploring sound – resources for...
Why the volcanic eruption in Tonga was so violent, and what to expect next
In January 2022 the world was shocked to hear of a sudden huge volcanic eruption close to Tonga, causing a tsunami and volcanic ash to cover...
Musical sounds
All musical instruments work by making vibrations. We make sounds by actions such as striking, blowing, plucking, swinging, shaking or scraping the instruments. Individual instruments have...
Teacher PLD
Building Science Concepts: Exploring sound
Use music to engage students in learning the science concepts of sound in a fun and meaningful way. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science...
Hearing sounds
In this set of activities, students use play and exploration to learn about movement, vibrations and hearing sounds. This resource is designed for students working at...
Investigating sound
In this set of activities, students are introduced to basic Physical World concepts about sound through the use of play and exploration. This resource is designed...
Teacher PLD
Sounds of Aotearoa
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and educators from the New Zealand Association of Primary Science Educators (NZAPSE) explore fun ways you can learn...
Can you hear that?
This article provides an overview of sound. It gives a brief summary of the following topics: characteristics of sound waves how the human ear works hearing...
Measuring the speed of sound
In this investigation, students measure distance and time in order to calculate the speed of a sound wave. The investigation supports the science capability ‘Gather and...
Investigating sound wave resonance
In this investigation, students use simple equipment to measure the wavelength of sound waves and calculate the speed of sound. The investigation supports the science capability...
Sound – beats, the Doppler effect and sonic booms
When two or more sound waves occupy the same space, they affect one another. This is known as sound wave interference. Sound waves combine by simple...
Sound – wave interference
Sound waves are longitudinal or compression waves that transmit sound energy from the source of the sound to an observer. Sound waves are typically drawn as...
Sound – resonance
A full-sized acoustic piano is able to play 88 distinct notes. When you press a key on the piano, a number of things happen inside the...
Sound – visualising sound waves
Sound is a form of energy that is caused by the vibration of matter. Sound is transmitted through waves, which travel through solids, liquids and gases....
Sound – understanding standing waves
A standing wave is the combination of two waves that are moving in opposite directions. Standing waves are typically formed in situations where a wave is...
KiwiNet Awards 2017
The Kiwi Innovation Network (KiwiNet) is a network of public research organisations who collaborate to commercialise science to grow the New Zealand economy. Commercialising science can...
Teacher PLD
Physics made simple – waves
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and Ted Cizadlo will build your confidence to teach about the Physical World. The New Zealand Curriculum achievement...
Make a hologram-like projector
In this activity, students use a sheet of acetate to make a transparent, four-sided pyramid. The pyramid’s sides act as four mirrors, situated at 45° angles...
Waves and energy – energy transfer
In a wave, the material on which the wave is travelling is moving. However, the material itself does not move along with the wave. Consider the...
Waves and energy – wave basics
What is a wave? Most of us think of the waves we see at the beach. The waves come in from out in the ocean and...
Reflections in a full-length mirror
This investigation asks students to respond to a science-based question: “How tall does a full-length mirror need to be in order for you to see your...
Investigating mirrors and reflection
An investigation into mirrors and images, with a surprise twist. In this activity, students will conduct an investigation into how (and where) an image forms in...
Artificial sensors – question bank
An inquiry approach is a method often used in science education. The question bank provides an initial list of questions about monitoring our environment using artificial...