Exploring data about our manu – Slideshow
View in te reo MāoriUse this slideshow to explore the data from the New Zealand Garden Bird Survey.
Please check the speaker notes that accompany the slides. They contain activity instructions, prompting questions and teaching suggestions.
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The download for this Google Slideshow opens in Microsoft PowerPoint. Unfortunately, the hyperlinks in the presenter notes are not supported by Microsoft. Access the linked resources here.
What is data and what can it tell us? Use this slideshow to review data from pervious New Zealand Garden Bird Surveys. Then consider how our own observations might help answer questions we have about birds in our rohe.
Linked resources
The resources referenced in the Slideshow/PPT notes section are:
Slide 2: Manu – exploring data – SLH
Slide 3: Data and how we use it – SLH
Slides 6 and 7: Results and data from previous years – New Zealand Garden Bird Survey
Slide 8: Bay of Plenty – Google map and 2023 New Zealand Garden Bird Survey results
Slide 9: Resources for teachers – New Zealand Garden Bird Survey