Advice on NZ's 2050 emissions reduction target and emissions budgets
10 December 2024 - 10 December 2024
Region(s): nationwide
Type(s): presentations
Join this free public webinar on the Climate Change Commission’s advice on Aotearoa New Zealand’s medium and long-term emissions reduction goals:
There will be a short presentation about the recommendations made followed by a Q&A.
The Government will use this advice to inform important decisions it must make by the end of 2025 that will affect how the country tackles climate change for the next 20–30 years.
The Commission provides independent, evidence-based, expert advice to the government of the day about the choices it has, so it can determine the best options for Aotearoa New Zealand.
About the 2050 target review and fourth emissions budget advice
The Climate Change Commission has provided advice and recommendations to the Government about three things that will affect the country’s policy, planning and investment decisions for the coming decades:
The long-term 2050 target is the ‘guiding star’ for domestic action to reduce emissions. This advice is the first 5-yearly review to check it’s still fit-for-purpose and leading the country in the right direction. There were specific criteria they had to consider.
A one-off review on whether emissions from international shipping and aviation should also be included in the 2050 target, and if so how.
Emissions budgets are the stepping stones towards the 2050 target, so influence short–mid term action and decisions. The Government needs to set the fourth emissions budget (for the period 2036–2040), and decide whether to revise budgets one, two and three. The commission has recommended the quantity of emissions for these budget periods.
For more information and to book a seat:
Related content
We have lots of resources on climate change – we recommend starting with Climate change resources – planning pathways this provides pedagogical advice and links to the New Zealand Curriculum and includes an interactive planner that groups Hub resources into key science and teaching concepts.
For more, browse the wide range of content under our Climate change topic.
Useful links
See the Climate Change Commission reports:
Advice on the fourth emissions budget (2036–2040), and whether the first, second and third budgets should be revised