This citizen science project wants your assistance to extract information from various climate scientific graphics to help combat misinformation and support scientific communication. Using this project...
Milly Grant-Mackie is a coastal geomorphologist. Her work includes climate change impacts such as sea-level rise and whānau-level research. He mihi Ko Milly tōku ingoa Nō...
Rocks act as geological archives and new techniques are helping scientists capture data about past events. This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative...
Aotearoa New Zealand’s limestone caves are special places. To many Māori, they are tapu. To explorers and thrill seekers, they are a great place for an...
Could 2023 mark a significant decline for Antarctic sea ice? Find out more about the trends of changes in sea ice, and the crucial role that...
Our climate, our biodiversity, our future is an interactive storymap that uses a collection of stories arranged to show the interconnectedness of ki uta ki tai...
Across the generations – and for young people, in particular – climate change is recognised as the most important challenge that our world faces. Education is...
Aotearoa New Zealand is home to an amazing diversity of living things, many of which are endemic – only found here. Nowhere else on the planet...
The Earth is a dynamic system – a combination of interrelated, interacting parts that form a collective entity. From a scientific point of view, the Earth...
Our atmosphere and climate 2023 – an environmental report produced by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ – begins with this whakatauākī: Tiakina te...
What are the irreversible changes we could be facing if we fail to keep global warming below 2℃ and what actions can we take? This article...
This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0 and is written by Dr Angela (Ang) McGaughran, Senior Lecturer in...
A more precise timeline now shows Aotearoa was first settled in the North Island before the settlers expanded south and then retreated again when the climate...
Seeds are part of most plant life cycles. Seed-producing plants and the seeds they produce provide resources for humans and other living things. These include food...
One of New Zealand’s iconic moa species was almost wiped out during the last ice age according to recently published research. DNA from ancient eastern moa...
Kelp forests are one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth. Every nook and cranny is jam-packed with life! This citizen science project wants to understand...
Methane comprises just 0.00018% of the Earth’s atmosphere – so why are we concerned about it? Methane (CH4 ) is a greenhouse gas. It is the...
In order to reduce methane emissions, we need to know where they come from. Methane, like other greenhouse gases, is invisible to human eyes – so...
MethaneSAT is Aotearoa New Zealand’s first government-funded space mission. It is a joint American-New Zealand collaboration to detect methane emissions. The goal is to use data...
Ururangi is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is connected to atmospheric conditions, winds and the sky. Ururangi means ‘winds of the sky’ and is...
Waipunarangi is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected to the rains and other atmospheric conditions. Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ministry for the...
We hear a lot about the role of terrestrial forests in climate change, but what about the ocean’s forests? It’s amazing to think that a kelp...
Green rolling hills studded with fluffy white sheep is an image New Zealand has traded on for decades, both to promote our wool and meat and...
Ko e feliuliuaki ‘o e ‘ea ‘oku hoko ia ko e taha ‘o e tefito’i palopalema lahi ‘aupito ‘oku ne uesia e ‘atakai mo natula he...
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