
Regional weather data

Aotearoa New Zealand’s diverse topography and its location within the southern Pacific Ocean influence regional weather patterns. Use this interactive to obtain long-term temperature and precipitation datasets for 30 locations around the country. The datasets are from the Ministry for the Environment. The activity Using weather data has suggestions on how to use the datasets.

To use this interactive, move your mouse or finger over any of the labelled boxes and click to obtain more information.


Te Tai Tokerau – Northland

Northland is often called the winterless north because of its mild climate. The area typically has warm humid summers and mild wet winters.



Image: Ninety Mile Beach from Hukatere Hill, public domain

Tāmaki-makau-rau – Auckland

The Auckland region experiences a subtropical climate. Summers tend to be warm and humid, and winters are relatively mild. Precipitation is usually plentiful all year round, with short dry spells during the summer months.



Image: Yachts in front of Auckland Harbour Bridge, Ronnie Macdonald, CC BY 2.0


The Waikato region has a variety of landscapes, which influence the local climate. The weather in the Coromandel Peninsula in the northern part of the region is quite different to that of mountainous areas to the south. Precipitation is usually plentiful all year round but is influenced by mountain ranges.




Image: Waikite Valley near Taupō, David Broad, CC BY 3.0

Te Moana-a-Toi – Bay of Plenty

The Bay of Plenty region is one of the sunniest and least windy in Aotearoa. There is variability in precipitation, but annual precipitation is usually plentiful.


Image: Child at Mount Maunganui beach, Brian Scantlebury, 123RF Ltd

Te Tai Rāwhiti/Te Matau-a-Māui – Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay

The Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay regions are characterised by calm, sunny conditions but with sudden temperature variations. Precipitation can be variable, with reduced amounts in the summer months. The regions are the first on the mainland to see the sunrise each day.



Image: View from Te Mata Peak over Hawke’s Bay in late summer, Tristan Brynildsen, 123RF Ltd


The Taranaki region is generally sunny with moderate temperatures. Its location on the west coast makes it one of the windiest regions in the country. Precipitation is plentiful and evenly distributed.

The Manawatū-Whanganui region has a generally mild climate but with greater extremes in areas around the Central Plateau. Precipitation varies, with the plains generally being drier than other parts of the region.



New Plymouth



Image: Wind wand in New Plymouth designed by Len Lye, photo by dudlajzov, 123RF Ltd

Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara – Wellington

The region is generally sunny and windy but with strong variations due to the influence of Cook Strait and the ranges. Precipitation is also highly variable across the region, with the largest amounts falling in the ranges.



Image: Wellington sign near Wellington Airport, Marek Rybar, 123RF Ltd

Te Tau Ihu – Upper South Island

Temperatures in these regions are mild and rarely experience extreme high and low temperature variations, with the exception of the mountainous areas of Marlborough. The area records some of the highest sunshine hours recorded in the country. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed in the Tasman and Nelson regions, but summers can be dry. The Marlborough region frequently experiences summer droughts.



Image: Marlborough vineyards, pstedrak, 123RF Ltd

Te Tai Poutini – West Coast

The West Coast is the country’s wettest region – annual precipitation in the mountains often exceeds 10 metres! The region experiences a range of temperatures during the seasons, with lower temperatures recorded in the mountainous areas.



Image: Debris washed up on Hokitika Beach, Puripat Lertpunyaroj, 123RF Ltd

Waitaha – Canterbury

The Canterbury region is significantly influenced by the Southern Alps. As a result, it has five different climate zones. The plains and inland basins have a relatively large temperature range and low precipitation. The high country is cooler and wetter. Banks Peninsula and parts of the coast have mild temperatures and regular precipitation.


Lake Tekapo


Image: Canterbury Plains with Aoraki Mount Cook in the distance, Dmitry Pichugin, 123RF Ltd

Ōtākou – Otago

Otago experiences some of the most diverse climate conditions in the country. Inland Otago is the driest part of the country, and it experiences some of the lowest and highest temperatures. Coastal Otago has cool, wet winters with warmer, drier summers.



Tara Hills

Image: Lindis Pass, Central Otago, Chris Putnam, 123RF Ltd

Murihiku – Southland

On average, Southland is cooler than the rest of the country. The coastal areas have cool summers and mild winters. The western ranges are some of the wettest places on Earth, but the areas to the east are drier.



Milford Sound

Image: Milford Sound, Rusty Elliott, 123RF Ltd


This resource has been produced with the support of the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. (c) Crown Copyright.

Rights: Crown Copyright 2020
Published:15 October 2020