
Dairy innovations and climate change

Secondary teachers – our May pānui tells you all about our latest suite of resources. Great context for covering ag and hort, interacting systems, life processes, and nature of science concepts.

New resources – dairy innovations targeting climate change

We’ve just launched a suite of resources to support learning in multiple science areas. Dairy innovations – targeting climate change features innovative research projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with dairy farming.

Ruminant digestion

Cows are ruminants. They have especially adapted digestive systems that allow them to only eat plants.

Rights: DairyNZ and The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Ruminant digestion

Ruminants have specialised digestive systems to obtain nutrients from plant material. Use the interactive Ruminant digestion to explore individual features – with detailed text and images. Test your knowledge with the digestive system labelling activity.

Dispel some myths with the video Methane emissions – cow burps, not farts. It provides visual representations of how this potent greenhouse gas is produced.

Nitrogen cycle

Agricultural soils are the main source of nitrous oxide emissions in New Zealand. Read about some of the nitrogen inputs, outputs and losses associated with dairy farming. Explore our simplified nitrogen cycle interactive, which focuses on nitrogen interactions related to dairy farming.

The nitrogen cycle and dairy farming

This interactive features a simplified nitrogen cycle – with components that focus on nitrogen interactions related to dairy farming.

Rights: DairyNZ and The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Plantain and pasture grasses

Tying the resources together is plantain – a pasture plant with a fascinating research story and great links to the nature of science. Students can practise scientific protocols while observing pasture plant composition and measuring plant mass. The activities are suitable for the school grounds or in a neighbouring paddock.

Pedagogical help

Dairy farming and climate change – a context for learning provides curriculum links, te ao Māori perspectives and an interactive planning pathway to help you get started. These are just a few of the Hub’s climate change resources.

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Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao

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Published: 4 May 2021