
Haere rā 2022

But it’s not over yet! Our latest pānui has ideas for keeping ākonga interested all summer and into Term 1 2023.

Summer is coming!

Congratulations to kaiako and educators on your efforts throughout 2022. It has been another challenging year and the Hub team would like to celebrate your successes – kia ora!

Although time is short, there are still lots of ways to engage ākonga before the final bell rings for 2022. . .

The five most diverse insect orders

Discover more about five New Zealand insects, each one representing a different order within the insect kingdom. 

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

New Zealand Bug of the Year 2023

The Entomological Society of New Zealand is sponsoring the NZ Bug of the Year. Our team is pretty excited about the 24 critters vying for the title. There’s an array on offer – from the delicately patterned lichen moth to wētā punga – the ‘god of ugly things’, which we think is a real misnomer.

Researcher Sophie Fern is interested in the role charisma plays in the native species on which we focus our conservation efforts. What do your students think? It’s time to begin the debates, go on bug hunts and send in your votes. We’ve lots of beautifully illustrated resources on insects – curated in one handy article – to get things started.

Planning for 2023 – supporting mātauranga Māori

Both science and mātauranga pūtaiao build knowledge and understanding about our world. We’ve been building our resources that feature mātauranga – access them here and use the filters to narrow your search. We’ll be adding new resources throughout 2023.

For kaiako working in NCEA, check out the PLD article Investigating in science. It includes the interactive Ways of investigating in science, which looks at different types of investigations, including how kairangahau Māori and scientists use these investigations.

For help with planning any topic, get in touch: or via social media. We are here to help.

Ways of investigating in science

Discover a range of scientific approaches – select a label for videos and more information to support your understanding.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Join the Hub team!

We are also expanding our team and have an opening for a kaihautū Māori! If you think you might like to join our awesome team, please check out the Kumara Vine for more information, see the job description or send us an email.

Summer science

The warmer months are the perfect time to explore topics like:

Silver tray of coloured UV beads.

UV beads

UV beads change colour when exposed to ultraviolet light. The beads return to their clear, colourless form when the exposure ends.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

We’ve curated lots of resources in our Summer science collection and our Science in the Sun Pinterest board.

Whatever your summer plans, we bid haere rā to 2022. Look out for our January pānui – it will feature exciting new content for the new school year.

Merry Christmas from the Science Learning Hub team! Some of our favourite content we have developed this year is Aoteroa in space, so instead of Santa hats, we’re donning our spacesuits!

Science Learning Hub team dressed as astronaut.

Out of this world

To celebrate Aotearoa in space, the Hub team took an intergalactic trip – courtesy of NASA selfies.

Want to create your own selfie – download the NASA selfie app for iOs systems or Android devices .

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Follow us

We offer added value through our social media. Contact us about creating collections or boards tailored to your needs. We can help foster connections between the education and science communities.

Your feedback

We hope you enjoy using the Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao in your teaching and would love to hear from you. Your comments, ideas and feedback can be emailed to

Noho ora mai

Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao

See all news
Published: 24 November 2022,Updated: